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Both RMS local buffering and global buffering require increased address space and additional OpenVMS synchronization information. The following MINIMUM authorization parameter values are recommended when either local buffering or global buffering is specified:
SYSUAF Parameter Name |
Minimum Value |
PGFLQUO | 35000 | |
BYTLM | 50000 |
14.5.5 SYSGEN Parameter Changes
RMS global buffering requires increased use of OpenVMS global pages and
global sections. In addition, some RMS related SYSGEN parameters must
be changed. The following MINIMUM SYSGEN parameter values are
recommended when global buffering is specified:
SYSGEN Parameter name |
Minimum Value |
GBLPAGFIL | 16384 | |
GBLPAGES | 50000 | |
Both RMS local buffering and global buffering require increased use of OpenVMS locking and synchronization resources. The following MINIMUM SYSGEN parameter values are recommended when either local buffering or global buffering is specified:
SYSGEN Parameter name |
Minimum Value |
IRPCOUNT | 500 | |
LOCKIDTBL | 4000 | |
LOCKIDTBL_MAX | 16000 | |
PQL_MENQLM | 600 | |
RESHASHTBL | 2500 | |
SRPCOUNT | 4500 | |
The IRPCOUNT and SRPCOUNT SYSGEN parameters only exist in version 5.x of OpenVMS. These parameters are not used by OpenVMS 6.x. After making changes to SYSGEN parameters, the system must be rebooted for the changes to take effect. |
14.6 Disk Defragmentation
Disk defragmentation is the process that causes files to become
physically contiguous. Contiguous files can be accessed with fewer I/O
operations than non-contiguous files. The two ways to defragment a disk
are to do a full BACKUP and RESTORE to the target disk or to use a
commercially available disk defragmentation product.
14.7 File Defragmentation
If you don't have the time to defragment all of your disks, you can
instead defragment your most badly fragmented files one at a time.
OpenVMS provides a way to defragment individual files. There are three steps to the defragmentation process:
An .FDL is a "file definition language" file. This file can be used with the Digital provided OpenVMS CONVERT utility to defragment a file. To create a .FDL for the file SALESM.DAT you would use the following DCL command:
The ANALYZE command creates a file called SALESM.FDL. The .FDL is a text file containing a description of SALESM.DAT.
14.7.2 Customize the .FDL File
Using the text editor of your choice, edit the .FDL file and insert the
text "best_try_contiguous yes" as shown:
------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE best_try_contiguous yes <--- the inserted text ALLOCATION nnn ORGANIZATION xxx . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
14.7.3 Converting and Renaming
The Digital provided CONVERT utility can be used to defragment and
reorganize your files using a .FDL. To convert and defragment the file
SALESM.DAT, at the DCL prompt enter:
$ CONVERT/FDL=salesm.fdl salesm.dat $ RENAME salesm.dat; (note the trailing ";") |
15.1 Tuning Versus Biasing
DLB Plus is designed to balance resources on your VAX. Each process
receives a balanced and fair share of system resources. No one process
is able to "take over the system" and slow everyone else down. DLB Plus
balances resources by constantly tuning the system, adjusting it for
optimum performance.
Biasing is a method that improves response times for certain types of processes at the expense of other processes. DLB Plus can perform biasing by dynamically changing CPU time allocation and process priority levels. DLB Plus also changes related SYSGEN parameters.
By default DLB Plus does not bias processes. It does so only if run with the optional biasing options. |
15.2 Requesting DLB Plus Operation Options
DLB Plus has six different operation options. Any one of these options
can be selected at any time. The options are:
DLB Plus operation options can be specified either at startup or at any time the software is operating.
To request any DLB Plus option or combination of options at DLB Plus startup time, use the following with your DLB Plus startup command:
For example:
If you are starting up fragmentation prevention when you start up DLB Plus, option1 will be CD. For example:
To request any DLB Plus option or combination of options while DLB Plus is operating, use the following DCL command:
$ DEFINE/SYSTEM/NOLOG DLB_PROCESS_CMD "option1, option2, ..." |
where "option1, option2, ..." are DLB Plus software options.
For example:
The DLB Plus software options MUST be typed in UPPERCASE (i.e. BIAS IO, ONLY CPU). |
To display the current DLB Plus bias option settings, use the DLB Plus DISPLAY utility. This is menu item DISPLAY on the Master Menu.
The following table lists the effects of DLB Plus bias options on the operation of DLB Plus.
Bias Option | Priorities | Memory | CPU Scheduling |
BIAS NONE | no | yes | yes |
BIAS CPU | no | yes | yes |
BIAS IO | yes | yes | yes |
BIAS INTERACTIVE | yes | yes | yes |
ONLY CPU | no | no | yes |
ONLY MEMORY | no | yes | no |
The following section details each of the bias options.
Gives no process type more CPU access or time than another. This is the default setting for DLB Plus. Choosing this option turns off any biasing.
Gives CPU bound processes a larger portion of CPU time. This improves the throughput of CPU bound processes.
Gives all I/O bound processes increased access to the CPU. This improves the response times of disk I/O bound and interactive processes.
Boosts current priority of interactive processes. These are processes that spend a lot of time waiting for terminal I/O.
Stops memory adjustment, causing DLB Plus software to perform only CPU adjustment.
Adjusts only memory resources. No scheduling resources are adjusted.
DLB Plus is the perfect companion for host-based data caching systems. Caching systems use host memory to cache disk I/O requests. The more memory you have available to the caching system, the better job the caching system does in reducing I/O bottlenecks.
16.1 Using DLB Plus with I/O EXPRESStm
I/O EXPRESS (IOX) is greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with DLB
Plus. However, in order for IOX to fully take advantage of the
additional memory released by DLB Plus, some IOX parameter settings
must be adjusted.
When using I/O EXPRESS with DLB Plus, we recommend the following parameter settings:
Parameter | DLB Plus Suggested Value | Description |
/TIMER_INTERVAL | 3 | Time interval in seconds between IOX house-keeping cycles. It is during this time that IOX returns cache memory to the free list. |
/MAX_RETURN | 128 * VUPS | Maximum number of cache memory pages to return to the free list each house-keeping cycle. |
/MEMORY_CRISIS | 10 percent of memory | When the free list falls to this level, cache memory is returned to the free list. |
/ALLOCATION_LIMIT | MEMORY_CRISIS + MAX_RETURN | When the free list falls to this level, no new memory is allocated to the cache. |
/TRIM_GOAL | ALLOCATION_LIMIT + MAX_RETURN | During a memory crisis, when the free list rises to this level, IOX stops returning cache to the free list. |
The I/O EXPRESS adjustments for use with DLB Plus given here are recommendations made by Rick Cadruvi, developer of I/O EXPRESS and co-developer of DLB Plus. If you have any questions about these settings, please call Touch Technologies, Inc. Technical Support. |
16.1.1 Adjusting I/O EXPRESS for use with DLB Plus
Although I/O EXPRESS parameter changes can be made by hand, the DLB
Plus directory contains the command procedure
DLB_IOX_INIT.COM. This command procedure calculates
the amount of memory used on your system and the VUP rating of your
system. For SMP systems, this is the VUP rating of each CPU.
The command procedure then uses the memory and VUP values to calculate optimal IOX parameter settings. Next, it executes the I/O EXPRESS IOX_INIT.EXE program and makes the changes to I/O EXPRESS.
The DLB_IOX_INIT.COM procedure must be executed AFTER both IOX and DLB Plus have been started up on your system. If you are on a VAX Cluster, the DLB_IOX_INIT.COM procedure must be executed on all nodes in the cluster that are running both DLB Plus and I/O EXPRESS. |
Example 16-1 Typical SYSTARTUP_V5.COM Fragment Starting Up Both IOX and DLB Plus |
. . $! Note: Execute the command procedures in the order below. $ $ @SYS$SYSDEVICE:[IOEXPRESS]IOX_STARTUP $ @SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TTI_DLBPLUS]DLBPLUS_STARTUP $ @TTI_DLB:DLB_IOX_INIT . . |
tm I/O EXPRESS is a trademark of Executive Software International.1 Rick Cadruvi is the President of Software Perspectives, developers of I/O EXPRESS. I/O EXPRESS is marketed by Executive Software International. |
16.2 Using DLB Plus with SuperCache tm
SuperCache (SCACHE) is greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with DLB Plus. However, to ensure maximum performance between SuperCache and DLB Plus, we suggest that some SuperCache parameter settings be adjusted.
When using SuperCache with DLB Plus, we recommend the following parameter settings:
Parameter | DLB Plus Suggested Value | Description |
/MEMBUFF | 10 percent of memory | "Guard Zone" which determines the minimum free list size (in pages) before SuperCache begins returning memory from its cache. Set to 1000 pages by default. |
/RETURN | 20 * VUPS | The amount of memory blocks SuperCache is going to release at any one time. Set to 1 by default. |
The SuperCache parameter adjustments listed above for use with DLB Plus are recommendations made by Eric Dickman, developer of SuperCache. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these settings, please contact Technical Support at Touch Technologies, Inc. |
16.2.1 Adjusting SuperCache for use with DLB Plus
Although SuperCache parameter changes can be made by hand, the DLB Plus
directory contains the command procedure
DLB_SCACHE_INIT.COM. This command procedure calculates
the amount of memory used on your system and the VUP rating of your
system. For SMP systems, this is be the VUP rating of each CPU.
The command procedure then uses the memory and VUP values to calculate optimal SCACHE parameter settings. Next, it enables SuperCache caching with the CACHE START DCL command. The modified cache settings are now in effect.
The DLB_SCACHE_INIT.COM procedure must be executed AFTER both SuperCache and DLB Plus have been started up on your system. If you are on a VAX Cluster, the DLB_SCACHE_INIT.COM procedure must be executed on all nodes in the cluster that are running both DLB Plus and SuperCache. |
Example 16-2 Typical SYSTARTUP_V5.COM Fragment Starting Up Both SCACHE and DLB Plus |
. . $! Note: Execute the command procedures in the order below. $ $ @SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SCACHE$DIR]START_CACHE $ @SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TTI_DLBPLUS]DLBPLUS_STARTUP $ @TTI_DLB:DLB_SCACHE_INIT . . |
tm SuperCache is a trademark of EEC Systems, Inc.2 Eric Dickman is one of the developers of SuperCache. SuperCache is distributed in the US and Canada by EEC Systems, Inc. |
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