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The Master Menu LIVE item displays the Live Analysis of Lock Holders and Waiters menu.
The items on the Live Lock Analysis menu are created from the I/O information collected when the menu item is run.
The Live Lock Analysis of Lock Holders and Waiters menu appears as follows:
Example A-5 Live Lock Analysis of Lock Holders and Waiters Menu |
DLB Plus Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS 01-Sep-1995 +-----Live Analysis of Lock Holders and Waiters------+ | | | LOCK CONTENTION ANALYSIS | | LHOLDER Processes Holding Locks | | LWAITER Processes Waiting for Other Processes | +----------------------------------------------------+ EXIT = Exit \ = Back HELP = Help |
Before DLB Plus can analyze I/O and lock data, a sample of the system must first be taken. The SAMPLE menu item collects I/O data by taking a snapshot of the images (programs) currently running on the node that you are logged onto.
A new I/O data sample can be CREATED or I/O data can be APPENDED to the existing sample.
Example B-1 Sampling I/O Information |
DLB Plus Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS 01-Sep-1995 Sampling Node: TTI Node name : TTI Date last sampled: September 1, 1995 Time last sampled: 11:38 AM Sample taken by : SMITH Create or append : CREATE +--Sample---+ | Create | | Append | +-----------+ Enter CREATE to make a new sample or APPEND to append to the existing sample EXIT = Exit \ = Back HELP = Help |
B.2 Consolidating Samples
Samples from several nodes can be consolidated into a single sample.
The CONS menu item consolidates one or more node
samples into a single sample.
A previous node sample can be saved by consolidating the sample before creating a new sample. A unique name can be given to each sample or group of samples that are consolidated.
B.3 Selecting a Previous Sample
To select a single sample or consolidation from a list of previously
created samples or consolidations, choose the SELECT
menu item.
B.3.1 Showing Sampled Nodes and Consolidations
SHOW can be entered at the node name prompt to display a list of
sampled nodes and consolidations. If only one node has been previously
sampled, the screen is repainted with the data for that node.
The following screen is displayed if SHOW is entered and more than one node has been sampled and/or consolidated:
Example B-2 Showing Sampled Nodes |
DLB Plus Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS 01-Sep-1995 Select Node or Consolidation +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1) TTI 01-Sep-1995 11:38 AM | | 2) CONSOLIDATED 01-Sep-1995 10:13 AM (Consolidation) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sequence number? ____ EXIT = Exit \ = Back HELP = Help |
Analysis reports and graphs can be created for one or more samples from a single node or for a consolidation of samples from one or more nodes. Depending on whether one or more samples or a consolidation is being analyzed, the report and graph heading information will vary. The reports conclude with "Report Summary and Analysis" text information.
The examples shown in this appendix are for a consolidation of samples from several nodes.
C.1 Summary Reports
C.1.1 Hot File Analysis Report
The RSHOT item on the Summary Analysis Reports menu
creates the "Hot File Analysis (High I/Os)" report. "Hot files" are
those files having the most I/O activity. The report detail includes
the file name, average rate, total I/Os, read percentage, fragments,
file organization, record size, bucket size and file size. The report
can be sorted by I/O rate or I/O count.
Example C-1 RSHOT - Hot File Analysis Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS Hot File Analysis (High I/O) Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes Sorted By I/O Rate Avg File Rec Bkt File File Name Rate I/Os Read % Frags Org Size Size Size ----------------- ---- ------ ------ ----- ---- ---- ---- ------- PAGEFILE1.SYS 2.96 300781 87.55 1 SEQ 0 0 300000 SALES_DETAIL.DAT 1.68 12621 97.66 5 IND 350 6 6858 PHONE_LOG.DAT .17 10098 33.52 9 IND 60 12 2652 SALES_HISTORY.DAT .17 1858 84.98 102 IND 445 8 21495 DCLTABLES.EXE .13 866 100.00 1 SEQ 512 0 351 TPUSHR.EXE .12 4943 100.00 1 SEQ 512 0 465 SECURESHR.EXE .10 14883 100.00 1 SEQ 512 0 111 INTOUCH.EXE .10 10073 100.00 1 SEQ 512 0 1032 SET.EXE .09 12120 100.00 1 SEQ 512 0 240 MAIL.EXE .09 3730 100.00 1 SEQ 512 0 156 ====== ====== Grand Totals: 371973 87.97 |
C.1.2 Files for Data Buffer or Data Caching Report
The RSCACHE menu item creates the "Files Suggested for
Data Buffering or Data Caching" report. The report lists the number of
I/Os for each file name on the selected node. The report detail
includes the file name, read percentage, rate (number of I/O's per
second), total I/Os, global buffers, file organization, record size,
bucket size and file size. The report can be sorted by I/O rate or I/O
The "Files Suggested for Data Caching" report appears as follows:
Example C-2 RSCACHE - Files Suggested for Data Caching Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS Files Suggested for Data Buffering or Data Caching Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes Sorted By I/O Rate File Rec Bkt File File Name Read % Rate I/Os Gbl Bufs Org Size Size Size ----------------- ------ ----- ----- -------- ---- ----- ---- ----- SALES_DETAIL.DAT 97.66 1.68 12621 20 IND 350 6 6858 SALES_HISTORY.DAT 84.98 .17 1858 0 IND 445 8 21495 SALES_MASTER.DAT 95.74 .01 2490 20 IND 1508 10 16581 INVOICE_DET.DAT 100.00 .00 5516 0 IND 250 3 8706 DICTIONARY.DAT 100.00 .00 814 7 IND 50 3 5250 INVOICE_HDR.DAT 100.00 .00 692 0 IND 250 3 2619 RIGHTSLIST.DAT 100.00 .00 383 0 IND 0 2 120 MAIL.MAI 80.80 .00 224 0 IND 0 5 2001 SUPPORT.DAT 100.00 .00 124 0 IND 426 6 960 CUSTOMER.DAT 100.00 .00 109 0 IND 300 3 1539 STEP_LOG.DAT 84.31 .00 102 0 IND 150 6 132 ====== ===== Grand Totals: 92.04 24933 |
C.1.3 File Fragmentation Analysis
The RSFRAG menu item creates the "File Fragmentation
Analysis" report. The report lists the number of fragments for each
file on the selected node. The report includes the file name,
fragments, rate (number of I/Os per second), total I/Os, read
percentage, file organization, record size, bucket size and file size.
The "File Fragmentation Analysis" report appears as follows:
Example C-3 RSFRAG - File Fragmentation Analysis Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS File Fragmentation Analysis Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes File Rec Bkt File File Name Frags Rate I/Os Read % Org Size Size Size ------------------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ------ ACCOUNTNG.DAT 324 .00 4259 .02 SEQ 167 0 7317 SALES_HISTORY.DAT 102 .17 1858 84.98 IND 445 8 21495 SALES.INT_IMG 61 .00 1803 100.00 SEQ 0 0 7854 FORMS_LOG.DAT 27 .00 876 26.94 IND 200 6 1902 RIGHTSLIST.DAT 22 .00 383 100.00 IND 0 2 120 REMIND_MENU.INT 20 .00 210 100.00 SEQ 0 0 8610 MAIL.MAI 15 .00 224 80.80 IND 0 5 2001 PHONE_LOG.DAT 9 .17 10098 33.52 IND 60 12 2652 INVOICE_DET.DAT 6 .00 5516 100.00 IND 250 3 8706 SALES_MASTER.DAT 6 .01 2490 95.74 IND 1508 10 16581 SALES_DETAIL.DAT 5 1.68 12621 97.66 IND 350 6 6858 INVOICE_HDR.DAT 5 .00 692 100.00 IND 250 3 2619 SALES_LOG.DAT 5 .04 649 45.92 IND 100 6 2364 JBCSYSQUE.DAT 4 .00 22282 4.72 SEQ 512 0 408 PAGEFILE.SYS 4 .00 254 60.24 SEQ 0 0 25002 NOTE$SEC.TPU$SECTION 4 .00 121 100.00 SEQ 512 0 993 OPERATOR.LOG 3 .00 632 .00 SEQ 123 0 90 DICTIONARY.DAT 2 .00 814 100.00 IND 50 3 5250 CUSTOMER.DAT 2 .00 109 100.00 IND 300 3 1539 ===== ====== Grand Totals: 65891 47.41 |
C.1.4 Analysis by Device Report
The RSDEVICE menu item creates the "I/O Analysis
Summary by Device" report. The report lists the number of I/Os for each
device on the selected node. The report detail includes the device
name, rate (number of I/Os per second), total I/Os, read rate, write
rate, read and write I/O counts and read percentage. The report can be
sorted by I/O rate or I/O count.
The "I/O Analysis Summary by Device" report appears as follows:
Example C-4 RSDEVICE - I/O Analysis Summary by Device Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS I/O Analysis by Device Name (Summary) Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes Sorted By I/O Rate Device Name Rate I/Os Rd Rate Reads Wr Rate Writes Read % ----------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ _$1$DUA0 2.96 300805 2.56 263337 .40 37468 87.54 _$1$DUB3 1.93 59899 1.85 51059 .08 8840 85.24 _$1$DIA0 1.10 157955 1.10 131744 .00 26211 83.41 _$1$DUA1 .20 426 .02 394 .18 32 92.49 _$1$DUA2 .00 3915 .00 3382 .00 533 86.39 _MINI$DUA0 .00 254 .00 153 .00 101 60.24 _$1$DUC5 .00 8 .00 8 .00 0 100.00 ====== ====== ====== ====== Grand Totals: 523262 450077 73185 86.01 |
C.1.5 I/O Analysis Summary by Image Report
The RSIMAGE menu item creates the "I/O Analysis
Summary by Image" report. The report lists the number of I/Os for each
image on the selected node. The report detail includes the image name,
rate (number of I/Os per second), total I/Os, read and write I/O counts
and read percentage. The report can be sorted by I/O rate or I/O count.
The "I/O Analysis Summary by Image" report appears as follows:
Example C-5 RSIMAGE - I/O Analysis Summary by Image Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS I/O Analysis by Image Name (Summary) Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes Sorted By I/O Rate Image Name Rate I/Os Reads Writes Read % --------------------------- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ INTOUCH_RUN.EXE .02 260 260 0 100.00 ======= ====== ====== ====== Node Totals: 260 260 0 100.00 INTOUCH.EXE .46 34358 25585 8773 74.47 MAIL.EXE .06 509 428 81 84.09 JOBCTL.EXE .00 26728 1239 25489 4.64 OPCOM.EXE .00 696 64 632 9.20 ADANUC.EXE .00 362 238 124 65.75 PRTSMB.EXE .00 211 211 0 100.00 EVL.EXE .00 130 127 3 97.69 INTOUCH_RUN.EXE .00 118 118 0 100.00 ======= ====== ====== ====== Node Totals: 63112 28010 35102 44.38 INTOUCH.EXE 3.29 5361 5361 0 100.00 ======= ====== ====== ====== Node Totals: 5361 5361 0 100.00 ======= ====== ====== ====== Grand Totals: 68733 33631 35102 48.93 |
C.1.6 I/O Analysis Summary by User Report
The RSUSER menu item creates the "I/O Analysis Summary
by User" report. The report lists the number of I/Os for each user on
the selected node. The report detail includes the user name, rate
(number of I/Os per second), total I/Os, read and write I/O counts and
read percentage. The report can be sorted by I/O rate or I/O count.
The "I/O Analysis Summary by User" report appears as follows:
Example C-6 RSUSER - I/O Analysis Summary by User Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS I/O Analysis by User Name (Summary) Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes Sorted By I/O Rate User Name Rate I/Os Reads Writes Read % ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ --VMS-- 4.10 454019 416053 37966 91.64 PETE 1.75 5788 5769 19 99.67 SUE 1.20 3487 3172 315 90.97 BATCH_CTL .95 10852 3455 7397 31.84 JON .89 744 727 17 97.72 DIANE .46 2600 2405 195 92.50 SYSTEM .21 27967 1793 26174 6.41 TOMMY .11 6438 6438 0 100.00 JULIE .04 3854 3523 331 91.41 KENT .00 3652 3458 194 94.69 RACHEL .00 1549 1437 112 92.77 DEBBIE .00 690 479 211 69.42 SMITH .00 544 468 76 86.03 RICK .00 519 482 37 92.87 ADABAS .00 362 238 124 65.75 DECNET .00 175 172 3 98.29 ======= ======= ======= ====== Grand Totals: 523240 450069 73171 86.02 |
C.1.7 Analysis Summary by PID Report
The RSPID menu item creates the "I/O Analysis Summary
by PID" report. The report lists the number of I/Os for each user and
PID on the selected node. The report detail includes the user name,
node, PID, image name, rate (number of I/Os per second) total I/Os,
read and write I/O counts and read percentage.
The "I/O Analysis Summary by PID" report appears as follows:
Example C-7 RSPID - I/O Analysis Summary by PID Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS I/O Analysis by PID (Summary) Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes User Name Node PID Image Name Rate I/Os Reads Writes Read% --------- ----- -------- ---------------- ---- ------ ------- ------ ------ DEBBIE TTI 20200A62 INTOUCH_RUN 1.00 1180 1125 55 95.34 TTI 20200BDC TPU .40 369 312 57 84.55 ====== ======= ====== ====== User Totals: 1549 1437 112 92.77 BATCH_CTL TTI 20200096 XXXXXXXXX .17 10065 3311 6754 32.90 TTI 20200097 XXXXXXXXX .04 786 143 643 18.19 TTI 20200161 XXXXXXXXX .01 1 1 0 100.00 ====== ======= ====== ====== User Totals: 10852 3455 7397 31.84 PETER MINI 20600050 XXXXXXXXX .21 16 10 0 62.50 MINI 20600050 XXXXXXXXX 3.29 5361 5361 0 100.00 ====== ======= ====== ====== PID Totals: 5377 5371 6 99.89 ====== ======= ====== ====== Grand Totals: 17778 10209 7515 86.01 |
C.2 Detail Reports
C.2.1 Analysis Detail by Image Report
The RDIMAGE menu item creates the "I/O Analysis Detail
by Image" report. The report lists the number of I/Os for each image on
the selected node. The report detail includes the image name, rate
(number of I/Os per second), total I/Os, read percentage, file
organization, record size, bucket size and file size.
The "I/O Analysis Detail by Image Name" report appears as follows:
Example C-8 RDIMAGE - I/O Analysis Detail by Image Name Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS I/O Analysis by Image Name (Detail) Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes File Rec Bkt File Image Name Rate I/Os Read % Org Size Size Size ----------------------- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- $1$DIA0:JOBCTL.EXE _$1$DIA0:ACCTNG.DAT 1.00 4259 10.02 SEQ 167 0 7317 _$1$DIA0:JOBCTL.EXE .00 14 100.00 SEQ 512 0 285 ==== ====== Image Totals: 4273 57.64 $1$DIA0:OPCOM.EXE _$1$DIA0:OPER.LOG .00 632 .00 SEQ 123 0 90 _$1$DIA0:OPCOM.EXE .00 64 100.00 SEQ 512 0 90 ==== ====== Image Totals: 696 95.20 $1$DUB3:INTOUCH.EXE _$1$DUA0:TTI120.TMP .00 4 50.00 REL 7 16 90 _$1$DUB3:SAL_CON.DAT .00 6 50.00 IND 250 6 114 _$1$DUB3:SAL_DET.DAT 7.07 7620 96.13 IND 350 6 6858 _$1$DUB3:SAL_EXC.DAT .00 4 100.00 IND 150 6 126 _$1$DUB3:SAL_LOG.DAT .04 642 45.33 IND 100 6 2364 ==== ====== Image Totals: 8276 89.20 ==== ====== Grand Totals: 9245 88.20 |
C.2.2 Analysis Detail by User Report
The RDUSER menu item creates the "I/O Analysis Detail
by User" report. The report lists the number of I/Os for each user and
image on the selected node. The report detail includes the user name,
rate (number of I/Os per second), total I/Os, read percentage, file
organization, record size, bucket size and file size.
The "I/O Analysis Detail by User Name" report appears as follows:
Example C-9 RDUSER - I/O Analysis Detail by User Name Report |
September 1, 1995 DLB Plus Page 1 DLB PLUS I/O Analysis by User Name (Detail) Consolidation ALL consolidated on Sept 1, 1995 at 03:15 PM by SMITH All nodes File Rec Bkt File User Name Rate I/Os Read % Org Size Size Size ------------------------------ ----- ---- ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- DAVID $1$DUB3:INTOUCH.EXE _$1$DUB3:TTI0001.TMP .00 4 50.00 REL 7 16 90 _$1$DUB3:FORMS_LOG.DAT 1.00 10 100.00 IND 200 6 1902 _$1$DUB3:SALES_DETAIL.DAT 1.41 71 100.00 IND 350 6 6858 _$1$DUB3:SALES_MASTER.DAT 5.21 821 100.00 IND 1508 10 6581 _$1$DUB3:CUSTOMER.DAT .01 8 100.00 IND 300 3 1539 === ====== Image Totals: 914 91.71 $1$DIA0:MAIL.EXE _$1$DIA0:SYSUAF.DAT .03 7 100.00 IND 0 3 267 _$1$DIA0:MAIL_PROFILE.DATA .03 8 75.00 IND 3 5 36 _$1$DUB3:MAIL.MAI .00 52 82.69 IND 0 5 531 === ====== Image Totals: 67 87.58 === ====== User Totals: 981 89.50 === ====== Grand Totals: 981 89.50 |
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