Network Security Agent

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14.3 Configuring the TCP/IP Stack for the Transport Agent

You need to configure the TCP/IP stack to set up the IP address of the Transport Agent. Normally, this procedure is only done once unless changes are make.

To start the procedure to configure the TCP/IP stack, select the Network icon from the Control Panel.

   Control Panel                                                              
     +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
     +------+       +------+       +------+         INSA         +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |        INTOUCH       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+         INSA         +------+ 
     +------+       +------+       +------+                      +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |        Network       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+                      +------+ 
     +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 

The Network window is displayed.

Select Protocols from the menu bar at the top of the window.

 +-----------------+  +----------+  +-----------+  +----------+  +----------+ 
 | Identifications |  | Services |  | Protocols |  | Adapters |  | Bindings | 
 +-----------------+  +----------+  +-----------+  +----------+  +----------+ 

Select Properties from the menu bar in the center of the window.

 +-----------------+  +----------+  +-----------+  +----------+  +----------+ 
 | Identifications |  | Services |  | Protocols |  | Adapters |  | Bindings | 
 +-----------------+  +----------+  +-----------+  +----------+  +----------+ 
 +---------------+   +---------------+   +---------------+   +---------------+ 
 |     Add       |   |    Remove     |   |  Properties   |   |   Update      | 
 +---------------+   +---------------+   +---------------+   +---------------+ 

The TCP/IP Properties window is displayed.

Enter the IP Address of the Transport Agent and press the [Tab] key.

 Microsoft TCP/IP Properties                                                   
     IP Address:       |    | 
     Subnet Mask:      |                   | 
     Default Gateway:  |                   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 
                     |     OK     |   |   Cancel   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 

Enter the Subnet Mask and press the [Tab] key.

 Microsoft TCP/IP Properties                                                   
     IP Address:       |    | 
     Subnet Mask:      |    | 
     Default Gateway:  |                   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 
                     |     OK     |   |   Cancel   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 

You need to enter the Default Gateway. This is the address of the gateway to the INTOUCH INSA box.

Enter the Default Gateway address and press the [Tab] key.

 Microsoft TCP/IP Properties                                                   
     IP Address:       |    | 
     Subnet Mask:      |    | 
     Default Gateway:  |   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 
                     |     OK     |   |   Cancel   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 

After the data is entered, select OK to complete the entry.

 Microsoft TCP/IP Properties                                                   
     IP Address:       |    | 
     Subnet Mask:      |    | 
     Default Gateway:  |   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 
                     |     OK     |   |   Cancel   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 

The Network window is displayed. Select the Close item at the bottom of the window.

 +-----------------+  +----------+  +-----------+  +----------+  +----------+ 
 | Identifications |  | Services |  | Protocols |  | Adapters |  | Bindings | 
 +-----------------+  +----------+  +-----------+  +----------+  +----------+ 
 +---------------+   +---------------+   +---------------+   +---------------+ 
 |     Add       |   |    Remove     |   |  Properties   |   |   Update      | 
 +---------------+   +---------------+   +---------------+   +---------------+ 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 
                     |   Close    |   |   Cancel   | 
                     +------------+   +------------+ 

You are asked if you want to "do a restart now".

 Network Settings Change                                                      
 / \      You must shut down and restart your computer before the new settings 
/ ! \     will take effect. 
          Do you want to restart your computer now? 
                    +------------+    +------------+ 
                    |    Yes     |    |     No     | 
                    +------------+    +------------+ 

Select Yes to reboot the system so the TCP/IP configuration changes can take effect.

After Yes is selected:

  1. an orderly shutdown is done
  2. the startup procedure is run

Log back onto the PC and continue on to the next procedure.

14.4 Starting the Transport Agent

The following steps explain how to start the Transport Agent.

Select the Services icon from the Control Panel window. If this item does not appear in the window, use the mouse to scroll through the list until "Services" appears and then select that item.

   Control Panel                                                              
     +------+       +------+       +------+         INSA         +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |        INTOUCH       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+         INSA         +------+ 
     +------+       +------+       +------+                      +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |        Network       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+                      +------+ 
     +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
                    +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
     Services       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      | 
                    +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 

The Services window is displayed.

 Service                    Status        Startup           |   Close     | 
+--------------------------------------------------+        +-------------+ 
| Alerter                                 Manual   | 
|--------------------------------------------------|        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           |        |   Start     | 
|  . . .                                           |        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           | 
|  . . .                                           | 

Select INSA Transport Agent from the list of items in the large box. If this item does not appear in the box, use the mouse to scroll through the list until "INSA Transport Agent" appears in the box and then select that item.

 Service                    Status        Startup           |   Close     | 
+--------------------------------------------------+        +-------------+ 
| Alerter                                 Manual   | 
|--------------------------------------------------|        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           |        |   Start     | 
|  . . .                                           |        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           | 
| INSA Transport Agent                    Manual   | 

Select Start.

 Service                    Status        Startup           |   Close     | 
+--------------------------------------------------+        +-------------+ 
| Alerter                                 Manual   | 
|--------------------------------------------------|        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           |        |   Start     | 
|  . . .                                           |        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           | 
| INSA Transport Agent                    Manual   | 

A boxed message says, "Attempting to start the Transport Agent service on INSA-TA-10001".

In the large box, the INSA Transport Agent line status shows "Started".

 Service                    Status        Startup           |   Close     | 
+--------------------------------------------------+        +-------------+ 
| Alerter                                 Manual   | 
|--------------------------------------------------|        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           |        |   Start     | 
|  . . .                                           |        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           | 
| INSA Transport Agent      Started       Manual   | 

Select Close to close the Services window and return to the Control Panel window.

 Service                    Status        Startup           |   Close     | 
+--------------------------------------------------+        +-------------+ 
| Alerter                                 Manual   | 
|--------------------------------------------------|        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           |        |   Start     | 
|  . . .                                           |        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           | 
| INSA Transport Agent      Started       Manual   | 

14.5 Displaying Transport Agent Event Data

The Transport Agent logs event information as it occurs. For example, starting, connecting, and stopping the Transport Agent are logged as events. If no connection can be established to the INTOUCH INSA box, this is logged as an event. To determine if the Transport Agent is running, you want to display event information.

The PC begins logging INTOUCH INSA events after the Transport Agent is started. When you use the Event Viewer and display the detail event descriptions, these are the first event descriptions you see:

To display event information, select the Start button at the bottom, left corner of the window, and then select Programs from the Start menu. Select Administrative Tools from the Programs menu, and then select Event Viewer.

        |                                                           | 
        |                                                           | 
        |                                                           | 
        |                                                           | 
        +-----------+-----------------------+                       | 
        | Programs >| ---------------       |                       | 
        | --------  | --------------        +--------------+        | 
        | Settings >| -----------------     | -----------  |        | 
        | --------  | Administrative Tools >| Event Viewer |        | 
        | --------  | ----------------      | -----------  |        | 
        | --------  +-----------------------+--------------+        | 
        | --------  |                                               | 
        |Start|                                                     | 

The Event Viewer window is opened and a list of events is displayed.

 Event Viewer - Application Log on xxx                                         
Log   View   Options   Help 
Date       Time         Source        Category    Event   User    Computer      
!1/29/97   3:11.40PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001 
!1/29/97   3:10.55PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001 
!1/25/97   2:51.53PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001 
  . . . 

Select the Log option which is located in the upper, left corner of the window.

The Log menu is displayed. Select the Application menu item to display Transport Agent event information. There will be a check mark to the left of the Application menu item after it is selected.

 Event Viewer - Application Log on xxx                                         
Log   View   Options   Help 
/ Application             <-- a check mark appears to the left after selection 

Select the Application item to close the Log menu.

The Event Viewer window displays a menu list of events that have occurred on the Transport Agent. The list starts with the most current event and lists down to the oldest event.

 Event Viewer - Application Log on xxx                                         
Log   View   Options   Help 
Date       Time         Source        Category    Event   User    Computer      
!1/29/97   3:11.40PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001 
!1/29/97   3:10.55PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001 
!1/25/97   2:51.53PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001 
  . . . 

Each event line shows: an information symbol (i), date, time, source, category, event number, user and computer ID. The information symbol might be replaced with other symbols depending on the event information. The different symbols tell what types of events have occurred. The symbols and representations are:
  information symbol normal or informational
  caution sign caution or warning
  stop sign serious --- i.e. a problem occurred

You can get more detailed information on any of the listed events by selecting an event item.

  . . . 
!1/29/97   3:11.40PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001
!1/29/97   3:10.55PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001 
!1/25/97   2:51.53PM    INSAAgent     None        1       N/A     INSA-TA-10001 
  . . . 

When an event item is selected, an Event Detail window is opened and the information is displayed. For example:

          Event Detail                                                
         |                                                           | 
         |  Date:     1/29/97            Event ID: 1                 | 
         |                                                           | 
         |  Time:     3:11.40PM          Source:   INSAAgent         | 
         |                                                           | 
         |  User:     N/A                Type:     Information       | 
         |                                                           | 
         |  Computer: INSA-TA-10001      Category: None              | 
         |                                                           | 
         |  Description:                                             | 
         |  +-----------------------------------------------------+  | 
         |  | Starting Transport Agent                            |  | 
         |  |                                                     |  | 
         |  |                                                     |  | 
         |  +-----------------------------------------------------+  | 
         |                                                           | 
         |  +--------+   +-----------+  +-------+   +-------+        | 
         |  | Close  |   | Previous  |  | Next  |   | Help  |        | 
         |  +--------+   +-----------+  +-------+   +-------+        | 
         |                                                           | 

You can select:
  Close to close the Event Detail window and return to the event list
  Previous to display the event list item that is above this item
  Next to display the event list item that follows this item
  Help to get help information

After you are finished reviewing event information, you can exit the Event Viewer window. To exit, select the Log item and then select the Exit item from the Log menu.

 Event Viewer - Application Log on xxx                                         
Log   View   Options   Help 
/ Application 

14.6 Shutting Down the Transport Agent

The following steps explain how to shut down the Transport Agent.

Select the Services icon from the Control Panel window.

   Control Panel                                                              
     +------+       +------+       +------+         INSA         +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |        INTOUCH       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+         INSA         +------+ 
     +------+       +------+       +------+                      +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |        Network       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+                      +------+ 
     +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
     |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      | 
     +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
                    +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 
     Services       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      | 
                    +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+ 

The Services window is displayed.

Select INSA Transport Agent from the list of items in the large box. If this item is not displayed, use the mouse to scroll through the list until "INSA Transport Agent" appears in the box and then select that item.

 Service                    Status        Startup           |   Close     | 
+--------------------------------------------------+        +-------------+ 
| Alerter                                 Manual   | 
|--------------------------------------------------|        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           |        |   Stop      | 
|  . . .                                           |        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           | 
| INSA Transport Agent      Started       Manual   | 
|  . . .                                           | 

Select Stop.

 Service                    Status        Startup           |   Close     | 
+--------------------------------------------------+        +-------------+ 
| Alerter                                 Manual   | 
|--------------------------------------------------|        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           |        |   Stop      | 
|  . . .                                           |        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           | 
| INSA Transport Agent      Started       Manual   | 

You are asked if you really want to stop the Transport Agent.

 Network Settings Change                                                      
 / \      
/ ! \     Are you sure you want to stop the INSA Transport Agent service? 
                    +------------+    +------------+ 
                    |    Yes     |    |     No     | 
                    +------------+    +------------+ 

If Yes is selected, a boxed message says, "Attempting to stop the Transport Agent service on xxx".

Select Close to close the Services window.

 Service                    Status        Startup           |   Close     | 
+--------------------------------------------------+        +-------------+ 
| Alerter                                 Manual   | 
|--------------------------------------------------|        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           |        |   Stop      | 
|  . . .                                           |        +-------------+ 
|  . . .                                           | 
| INSA Transport Agent                    Manual   | 

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