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CLOSE STRUCTURE closes a structure from further access. Once the structure is closed, you cannot reference records or add them, and you cannot change field data. struc_name is the name associated with the structure, the name assigned with the OPEN statement.
You can use the statement CLOSE ALL to close all open structures and other files.
ADD STRUCTURE struc_name --- [LET] struc_name(field) = expr --- END ADD |
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client', ACCESS OUTIN 20 INPUT 'Enter ID number': id% INPUT 'Enter last name': last$ INPUT 'Enter first name': first$ INPUT 'Enter state': state$ INPUT 'Enter phone': phone$ 30 ADD STRUCTURE cl PRINT PRINT 'Adding '; last$; ', '; first$ LET cl(id) = id% LET cl(last) = last$ LET cl(first) = first$ LET cl(state) = state$ LET cl(phone) = phone$ END ADD 40 CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 50 END RNH Enter ID number? 12233 Enter last name? Jones Enter first name? Tom Enter state? NV Enter phone? 2345556161 Adding Jones, Tom |
ADD STRUCTURE adds a record to a structure. The ADD STRUCTURE statement begins the add block. struc_name is the name associated with the structure that the record is going to be added to. END ADD marks the end of the block.
When ADD STRUCTURE is executed, INTOUCH executes the block of code between the ADD STRUCTURE statement and END ADD. This block of code with LET statements is used to put data into the fields.
LET assigns a value to the field specified. struc_name(field) specifies a field in the structure. expr is an expression. When INTOUCH executes the LET statement, it evaluates the expression and assigns the value of this expression to the field specified. END ADD writes out the new record.
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client', ACCESS OUTIN ADD STRUCTURE cl INPUT 'Client ID': cl(id) IF _EXIT THEN CANCEL ADD INPUT 'Last name': cl(last) IF _EXIT THEN CANCEL ADD INPUT 'First name': cl(first) IF _EXIT THEN CANCEL ADD PRINT 'Adding client' END ADD 20 END RNH Client ID? 14422 Last name? WHITE First name? EXIT |
CANCEL ADD cancels the current adding of a record to a structure and transfers control to the next statement after the END ADD statement.
This statement can only be used within an ADD block---that is, between an ADD STRUCTURE and an END ADD pair of statements.
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client', ACCESS OUTIN ADD STRUCTURE cl INPUT 'Client ID ': cl(id) INPUT 'Last name ': cl(last) INPUT 'First name': cl(first) INPUT 'Contact ': cl(contact) IF _EXIT THEN EXIT ADD INPUT 'Salesman ': cl(salesman) INPUT 'Mother ': cl(mother) INPUT 'Comment ': cl(comment) END ADD PRINT 'Client added' 20 END RNH Client ID ? 11111 Last name ? Hollerith First name? Herman Contact ? EXIT Client added |
EXIT ADD transfers control immediately to the corresponding END ADD statement and performs the add.
This statement is useful when you want to add a record but do not have all the data. You can enter data into the first few fields and skip the rest of the fields.
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client', ACCESS OUTIN 20 EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl INCLUDE cl(state) = 'CA' END EXTRACT 30 ! Delete all clients from California FOR EACH cl PRINT 'Deleting '; cl(first); ' '; cl(last) ;'...'; DELETE STRUCTURE cl PRINT 'record deleted' NEXT cl 40 CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 50 END RNH Deleting Keith Kent...record deleted Deleting Paul Johnson...record deleted Deleting Wayne Waters...record deleted Deleting Earl Errant...record deleted Deleting Cathy Cass...record deleted Deleting Pete Porter...record deleted Deleting Dale Derringer...record deleted |
DELETE STRUCTURE deletes the current record from the specified structure. struc_name is the structure name associated with the structure that the record is going to be deleted from.
[LOCK | UNLOCK] STRUCTURE struc_name |
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client', ACCESS OUTIN 20 EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl INCLUDE cl(state) = 'CA' END EXTRACT 30 FOR EACH cl PRINT PRINT cl(first); ' '; cl(last) LOCK STRUCTURE cl ! Give us exclusive access LINE INPUT DEFAULT cl(phone), PROMPT 'Enter new phone ': phone$ IF _EXIT THEN EXIT FOR cl(phone) = phone$ UNLOCK STRUCTURE cl ! Put the record out to disk ! and release it NEXT cl 40 CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 50 END RNH Keith Kent Enter new phone 6199675021 Paul Johnson Enter new phone EXIT |
You can use LOCK/UNLOCK STRUCTURE to lock or unlock the data record currently being accessed. INTOUCH automatically locks and unlocks data when you work with it. However, you can use LOCK and UNLOCK if you want to do this manually.
Normally, INTOUCH locks and unlocks data as needed. LOCK and UNLOCK override INTOUCH's automatic locking features. LOCK STRUCTURE locks the data currently being accessed, giving the program exclusive access to the current record. No one else can access the data until it is unlocked.
UNLOCK unlocks the current record or data. The record is put to disk (if needed) and can again be accessed by others. struc_name is the structure name associated with the structure.
EXTRACT STRUCTURE struc_name --- block of code [INCLUDE | EXCLUDE] cond_expr [SORT [ASCENDING | DESCENDING] BY expression] --- END EXTRACT |
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client' 20 PRINT 'List of Clients' PRINT 30 EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl PRINT cl(first); ' '; cl(last), cl(phone) END EXTRACT 40 CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 50 END RNH List of Clients Earl Errant (408) 844-7676 Al Abott (202) 566-9892 Bud Brock (218) 555-4322 Cathy Cass (619) 743-8582 Dale Derringer (818) 223-9014 Fred Farmer (305) 552-7872 |
When INTOUCH does an extract, it examines each record in the structure. For each record, INTOUCH executes the code between the EXTRACT STRUCTURE and END EXTRACT statements. For instance, here is a structure with client information:
ID # LAST FIRST CITY STATE PHONE +------+-----------+--------+--------------+--+----------+ |80543 |Cass |Cathy | San Diego |CA|6197438582| |80542 |Brock |Bud | Duluth |MN|2185554322| |80522 |Errant |Earl | Monterey |CA|4088447676| |80561 |Derringer |Dale | Los Angeles |CA|8182239014| |80531 |Abott |Al | New York |NY|2025669892| |80573 |Farmer |Fred | Miami |FL|3055527872| |
EXTRACT creates a list of clients. The above program example extracts information from each record in the structure and displays each client's name and phone number.
When INTOUCH does an extract, it examines each record of the structure in order. If the KEY option is specified, only those records with a key matching the KEY expression are examined. For each examined record, the following is done:
INTOUCH then builds a list of extracted records. This list can be accessed later with a FOR EACH loop. You can have up to 16 sort keys and 32 extract criteria.
INCLUDE cond_expr |
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client' 20 EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl INCLUDE cl(state) = 'CA' END EXTRACT PRINT 'List of California Clients' PRINT FOR EACH cl PRINT cl(first); ' '; cl(last), cl(state) NEXT cl CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 30 END RNH List of California Clients Keith Kent CA Paul Johnson CA Wayne Waters CA Earl Errant CA Cathy Cass CA Pete Porter CA Dale Derringer CA |
The INCLUDE statement includes records depending on the value of a conditional expression.
cond_expr is a conditional expression that INTOUCH evaluates. If the expression is TRUE, INTOUCH includes the record in the extract list. If the expression is FALSE, INTOUCH excludes the record from the list. For example, the program above creates an extract list containing only those clients located in California.
NOTE: The conditional expression must match the field's data type. For instance, if the field has a CHARACTER data type, the expression must be a string expression.
EXCLUDE cond_expr |
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client' 20 EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl EXCLUDE cl(phone)[1:3] = '619' END EXTRACT 30 PRINT 'List of Clients' PRINT FOR EACH cl PRINT cl(first); ' '; cl(last), cl(phone) NEXT cl CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 40 END RNH List of Clients Earl Errant (408) 844-7676 Al Abott (202) 566-9892 Bud Brock (218) 555-4322 Dale Derringer (818) 223-9014 Fred Farmer (305) 552-7872 |
The EXCLUDE statement excludes records from the extract list, depending on the value of a conditional expression.
cond_expr is a conditional expression. INTOUCH evaluates this expression. If the expression is TRUE, INTOUCH excludes the current record from the extract list. For example, the program above creates an extract list of all the clients in the client structure---except those with an area code of 619.
NOTE: The conditional expression must match the field's data type. For instance, if the field has a CHARACTER data type, the expression must be a string expression.
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client' 20 EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl SORT ASCENDING BY cl(last) END EXTRACT PRINT 'List of Clients' PRINT 30 FOR EACH cl PRINT cl(first); ' '; cl(last), cl(phone) NEXT cl 40 CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 50 END RNH List of Clients Al Abott (202) 566-9892 Bud Brock (218) 555-4322 Cathy Cass (619) 743-8582 Dale Derringer (818) 223-9014 Earl Errant (408) 844-7676 Fred Farmer (305) 552-7872 |
The SORT statement sorts the records in an extract list in either ASCENDING or DESCENDING order. expr is an expression whose value determines how to order the list. INTOUCH evaluates the expression for each record and stores the value. When all the records have been extracted, INTOUCH orders the list according to these values.
You can sort in either ASCENDING or DESCENDING order. ASCENDING creates a list in ascending order (lowest to highest). DESCENDING creates a list in descending order (highest to lowest). The default is ascending order. String values are sorted according to the ASCII character set.
INTOUCH does sorts in order. Therefore, you can use multiple sorts to order the list more and more specifically. For example, the following program creates a list of clients. The clients are sorted first by state and within each state by last name.
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client' EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl SORT ASCENDING BY cl(state) SORT ASCENDING BY cl(last) END EXTRACT 20 PRINT 'List of Clients' PRINT FOR EACH cl PRINT cl(last); ', '; cl(first), cl(state) NEXT cl 30 CLOSE STRUCTURE CL 40 END RNH List of Clients Cass, Cathy CA Derringer, Dale CA Errant, Earl CA Farmer, Fred FL Brock, Bud MN Abott, Al NY |
When you sort fields that are filled with nulls (no data was ever stored in them), the fields are sorted as though they were space filled.
FOR EACH struc_name --- --- block of code --- NEXT struc_name |
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'tti_run:client' 20 EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl INCLUDE cl(state) = 'CA' EXCLUDE cl(phone)[1:3] = '619' SORT ASCENDING BY cl(last) END EXTRACT PRINT 'List of California Clients' PRINT 30 FOR EACH cl PRINT cl(first); ' '; cl(last), cl(phone) NEXT cl 40 CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 50 END RNH List of California Clients Dale Derringer (818) 223-9014 Earl Errant (408) 844-7676 |
You can use the FOR EACH statement to execute a block of code for each record in the extract list. This allows you to manipulate structure information in your programs.
The FOR EACH statement begins a loop that executes a block of code for each record in the extract list. struc_name is the structure name associated with the structure. NEXT struc_name marks the end of the loop.
You can use the REPEAT, ITERATE and EXIT FOR statements in the FOR EACH loop.
EXTRACT STRUCTURE struc_name: KEY field = expr1 [TO expr2] --- --- block of code --- END EXTRACT |
struc_name is the structure name associated with the structure. field is the name of the field that contains the key. expr is an expression that tells what key(s) to extract. INTOUCH evaluates the expression, checks the structure's index for records with matching keys, and extracts these records (if any records are found).
The KEY option includes records using the record's key. The key is a field which has an index for fast access. The key option can considerably speed up extractions.
The conditional expression must match the field's data type. For instance, if the field has a CHARACTER data type, the expression must be a string expression.
For example, we have a structure with the following client information and the ID field is a key field:
ID # LAST FIRST CITY STATE PHONE +------+-----------+--------+--------------+--+----------+ |80543 |Cass |Cathy | San Diego |CA|6197438582| |80542 |Brock |Bud | Duluth |MN|2185554322| |80522 |Errant |Earl | Monterey |CA|4088447676| |80561 |Derringer |Dale | Los Angeles |CA|8182239014| |80531 |Abott |Al | New York |NY|2025669892| |80573 |Farmer |Fred | Miami |FL|3055527872| |
In the program below, the KEY option is used to extract the client with the ID number 80561.
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'TTI_RUN:CLIENT' 20 EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl: KEY id = 80561 PRINT 'Client:', PRINT cl(first); ' '; cl(last), cl(id) END EXTRACT CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 30 END RNH Client: Dale Derringer 80561 |
You can extract records with keys in a certain range with the TO option. expr1 is the lowest key to check. expr2 is the highest. INTOUCH extracts any records whose keys are within the range specified.
10 OPEN STRUCTURE cl: NAME 'TTI_RUN:CLIENT' 20 INPUT 'Enter the lowest ID to check': lowest INPUT 'Enter the highest ID to check': highest EXTRACT STRUCTURE cl: KEY id = lowest TO highest PRINT cl(id); TAB(10); cl(last) END EXTRACT CLOSE STRUCTURE cl 30 END RNH Enter the lowest ID to check? 80540 Enter the highest ID to check? 80570 80542 Brock 80543 Cass 80561 Derringer |
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