A Guide to the INTOUCH Language

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Segmented Key Field

A key field can be defined which consists of two or more fields. If the fields which make up this key field are not adjoining (i.e. one after the other), this is called a segmented key field. Key fields consisting of two or more fields, whether segmented or not, must have a length that equals the total length of all the segments that make up the key field.

INTOUCH can extract records using a segmented key. The following is an example.

A record has the following field definitions:

        Field Name        Starting Position    Length 
        ---------------   -----------------    ------ 
        CUSTOMER_NUMBER           1               5 
        CUSTOMER_NAME             6              30 
        CREATE_DATE              36               8 

To define a segemented key that consists of CREATE_DATE plus CUSTOMER_NUMBER, you would define another field that starts at the first position of the first segment of the key with the length being the sum of the lengths of all of the segments:

        Field Name        Starting Position    Length 
        ---------------   -----------------    ------ 
        DATE_CUST_KEY            36              13 

To extract using this key:

        EXTRACT STRUCTURE customer, FIELD date_cust_key: PARTIAL KEY "19960201" 
        END EXTRACT 

The above statement would extract all customer records created on 01-Feb-1996.

16.5 SHOW Procedure

The SHOW procedure displays information about the fields defined in the data dictionary and also displays structure information.

You can use the arrow keys to select the Show procedure from the SETUP procedures menu.

SETUP Vn.n             Set Up INTOUCH 4GL Data Structures                       
Structure name :  CUSTOMER.STR 
Database engine:  RMS 
Dataset        :  CUSTOMER.DAT 
Data dictionary:  CUSTOMER.DEF 
                        +---Setup Procedure---+ 
                        |  Define fields    +------Show Option-------+ 
                        |  Show             |  Brief field display   | 
                        |  Modify structure |  Full field display    | 
                        |-------------------|  List fields           | 
                        |  Create data file |  Structure             | 
                        |  EXIT             +------------------------+ 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

The SHOW procedure has four options:

SETUP creates the listings in report format so that you can display the field and structure information on your screen, print a hardcopy or save the information on disk.

After a report is created, you can select an output option from the Output Options menu. The default is Screen which will display the report to your screen. The line under the Output Options menu tells you the name of the temporary report file that was created.

         +--------------------- Output Options ---------------------+ 
         |  Screen         |   System Printer   |   Laser Printer   | 
         |  Printer Port   |   Save to Disk     |   EXIT            | 
         Ready to print user:[tester]setup_show_definition_210006.tmp 

If you are in the middle of displaying a report and want to exit out of the display, enter [CTL/Z] and you will return to the Output Options menu.

To return to the SETUP procedures menu, you can use the arrow keys to select the EXIT option or press "\" (backslash key).

16.5.1 Brief Field Display

The Brief Field Display shows the field name, description, first position of the field, field length, number of occurrences, last field position, data type, print mask and semantics.

Example 16-7 SHOW - Brief Field Display Example

08-Mar-1996             Definitions for: CUSTOMER.DEF                  Page:   1 
Field Name      Description       First  Length  Occurs  Last  Dtype  Print Mask 
--------------- ----------------- -----  ------  ------ -----  -----  ---------- 
CUSTNBR         Customer number       1       5      1      5  CH     none 
      Semantics  : none 
NAME            Customer name         6      25      1     30  CH     none 
      Semantics  : none 
ADDR1           Address line 1       31      25      1     55  CH     none 
      Semantics  : none 
ADDRESS         Address array        31      25      1     55  CH     none 
      Semantics  : none 

16.5.2 Full Field Display

The Full Field Display shows all of the definition information.

Example 16-8 SHOW - Full Field Display Example

08-Mar-1996             Definitions for: CUSTOMER.DEF                  Page:   1 
Field Name      Description       First  Length  Occurs  Last  Dtype  Print Mask 
--------------- ----------------- -----  ------  ------ -----  -----  ---------- 
CUSTNBR         Customer number       1       5      1      5  CH     none 
      Semantics  : none 
      Prompt text: Customer number 
      Heading    : Cust# 
      Help       : none 
      Screen mask: none 
      Validations: none 
NAME            Customer name         6      25      1     30  CH     none 
      Semantics  : none 
      Prompt text: Customer name 
      Heading    : Customer name 
      Help       : none 
      Screen mask: none 
      Validations: none 

16.5.3 List Fields Display

The List Fields Display shows the field name, description, first position of the field, field length and data type.

Example 16-9 SHOW - Fields List Display Example

08-Mar-1996                  CUSTOMER.DEF - FIELDS                    Page:   1 
Field Name                       Description                    First Length  DT 
-------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----- ------  -- 
CUSTNBR                          Customer number                    1      5  CH 
NAME                             Customer name                      6     25  CH 
ADDR1                            Address line 1                    31     25  CH 
ADDRESS                          Address array                     31     25  CH 
ADDR2                            Address line 2                    56     25  CH 
CITY                             City                              81     20  CH 
STATE                            State                            101      2  CH 
ZIP                              Zip                              103      5  CH 

16.5.4 Structure Display

The Structure option of SHOW displays information about the structure and security access levels.

Example 16-10 SHOW - Structure Display Example

08-Mar-1996                Structure: CUSTOMER.STR                      Page: 1 
Structure name : CUSTOMER.STR 
Dataset        : CUSTOMER.DAT 
Record system  : RMS 
Data dictionary: CUSTOMER.DEF 


The MODIFY STRUCTURE procedures allow you to:

SETUP Vn.n             Set Up INTOUCH 4GL Data Structures                       
Structure name :  CUSTOMER.STR 
Database engine:  RMS 
Dataset        :  CUSTOMER.DAT 
Data dictionary:  CUSTOMER.DEF 
                        +---Setup Procedure---+ 
                        |  Define fields      | 
                        |  Show             +----Modify structure-----+ 
                        |  Modify structure |  General information    | 
                        |-------------------|  Security information   | 
                        |  Create data file +-------------------------+ 
                        |  EXIT               | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

You can use the arrow keys to select the Modify structure procedure from the SETUP procedures menu and then select one of the two modify structure options.

16.6.1 Modify Structure General Information

When you select the modify structure General information option, SETUP will display the current structure information.

SETUP Vn.n             Set Up INTOUCH 4GL Data Structures                       
Structure name :  CUSTOMER.STR 
Database engine:  RMS 
Dataset        :  CUSTOMER.DAT 
Data dictionary:  CUSTOMER.DEF 
                        +Database Engine+ 
                        |  RMS          | 
                        |  RDB          | 
                        |  DBMS         | 
                        |  USERBASE     | 
                        |  POISE        | 
                        |  FASTFILE     | 
                        |  S1032        | 
                        |  INGRES       | 
                        |  DBASE3       | 
                        |  ADABAS       | 
                        |  ORACLE       | 
                        |  EXIT         | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

You will be prompted for:

You can either press [Return] at the prompts to keep the current information or enter new information. If you need clarification on any of the prompts, you can refer back to the SETUP Prompts section in this chapter.

After the last prompt is answered, the STR file will be updated with the new information.

You will be returned to the SETUP procedures menu where you can select another option or exit SETUP.

16.6.2 Modify Structure Security Information

When you select the modify structure Security information option, SETUP will display the current security information.

SETUP Vn.n            Structure Security and Access Levels                      
Structure security level:  N 
Read   access level     :  N 
Update access level     :  N 
Write  access level     :  N 
Delete access level     :  N 
Structure security level? N 
                           Security levels are A to Z 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

You will be prompted for:

You can either press [Return] at the prompts to keep the current information or enter new information.

Structure security level

Enter the security level associated with this structure.

The security level is a single letter in the range of A to Z.

Security level A is the highest level of security. Security level Z is the lowest level of security.

Read access level

Enter the access level required to read a data record in this structure.

The read access level is a single letter in the range A to Z. A is the most restricted access level. Z is the least restricted.

When an attempt is made to read a record from this structure, INTOUCH will compare the structure security level to the read access level. If the read access level is lower than the structure security level, the read request will be allowed.

For example:

        Structure level         Read access level       Access 
        ---------------         -----------------       ------ 
              K                         R               Allowed 
              K                         E               Denied 
              K                         K               Allowed 

Update, Write, Delete access levels

Enter the access levels required to update, write, delete data records in this structure. Answer each of the prompts with a letter from A to Z.

After the last prompt is answered, the STR file will be updated with the new security information.

You will be returned to the SETUP procedures menu where you can select another option or exit SETUP.

16.7 CREATE Procedure

SETUP Vn.n             Set Up INTOUCH 4GL Data Structures                       
Structure name :  CUSTOMER.STR 
Database engine:  RMS 
Dataset        :  CUSTOMER.DAT 
Data dictionary:  CUSTOMER.DEF 
                        +---Setup Procedure---+ 
                        |  Define fields      | 
                        |  Show             [>| 
                        |  Modify structure [>| 
                        |  Create data file   | 
                        |  EXIT               | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

Selecting the Create data file option from the SETUP procedures menu will allow you to create a data file.

After the CREATE option has been selected, the create screen will be displayed and you will be prompted for some information.


If the database engine is RMS, the following screen is displayed. If the database engine is not RMS, a similar screen will be displayed. The screen heading shows the database engine and name of the file that will be created.

Example 16-11 CREATE Procedure RMS Input Screen

SETUP Vn.n            Creating RMS data file: CUSTOMER.DAT                      
File organization: 
Recordsize       : 
                        +RMS File Organization+ 
                        |  Indexed            | 
                        |  Sequential         | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

RMS File Organization

Select how you want your file to be organized. The options are:

If you are going to be sorting and/or extracting data from the RMS file you are creating, the indexed file organization is more efficient than the sequential organization. This is especially true if you have large files.

An indexed file contains one or more indexed key fields which allow programs to locate and access file data very quickly without having to read through the file to locate records.

A sequential file has no key fields and accessing file data can be very slow and time consuming. Locating data in a sequential file requires reading every record in the file to find all occurrences of the data.

If you select Indexed file organization, you will be asked for the key fields in later prompts.

Record size

Enter the record size that you want for this data file.

The default record size is 25% larger than the actual length of the fields defined. This allows room for adding new fields to the record without having to expand the record size.

The legal record sizes depend on the database engine (file management system) you use. For RMS, sizes range from 1 to approximately 32000.


Depending on the database engine and file organization, SETUP might ask for additional information.

If no additional information is required to create this data file, you can enter "Y"es at the Proceed with file creation prompt and your data file will be created using the appropriate database engine.

Primary key field

Select the field from the list of defined fields, that you want to use as the primary key field. The first field is the default.

RMS indexed files require at least one key field, the primary key field.

You can refer back to the "DEFINE Procedure" section for information on key fields.

SETUP Vn.n            Creating RMS data file: CUSTOMER.DAT                      
File organization:  INDEXED 
Recordsize       :    181 
Primary key      : 
Key  2           :      +Primary Key Field Name+ 
Key  3           :      |  CUSTNBR             | 
Key  4           :      |  NAME                | 
Key  5           :      |  ADDR1               | 
Key  6           :      |  ADDRESS             | 
Key  7           :      |  ADDR2               | 
Key  8           :      |  CITY                | 
Key  9           :      |  STATE               | 
Key 10           :      |  ZIP                 | 
                        |  BALANCE             | 
                        |  CONTACT             | 
                        |  PHONE               | 
                        |  EXIT                | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

Allow duplicates

You can control whether the data to be stored in the RMS key field will be unique (only one occurrence of the data in the key field) or allow duplicates (multiple occurrences of the data in the key field).

Data access works most efficiently with unique key fields.

Normally, the PRIMARY key field is set up to allow only unique data in the field (i.e. NO duplicates) and the other key fields (ALTERNATE key fields) can be unique or not.

If you want more than one key field, select the fields you want to use as ALTERNATE key fields. Selecting All keys defined ends key field selection.

You will be asked if you want to proceed with file creation. Enter Y to create the data file.

After the file has been created, you will be returned to the SETUP procedures menu.

16.8 Defining COBOL Record Fields

The TTI_RUN:COBOL_DEF.INT program allows COBOL users to define COBOL record fields. This program processes a text file that contains a COBOL record definition statement and creates an INTOUCH data dictionary (definition file).

The program expects the text file to contain a single COBOL record definition statement. The file must be in one of the following formats:

The file name or file specification that is to be defined can be up to 63 characters in length if the screen margin is set at 80. If the margin is set to 132, 115 characters are allowed.

16.8.1 Define Example

Here is an example of how to use the TTI_RUN:COBOL_DEF program. This example shows the input file and the created file.

The sample text file COBOL_TEST.RECORD contains the following record definition statement:

01  test_rec. 
  05  code pic x. 
  05  desc pic x(20). 
  05  amount pic s9(5)v99 comp. 
  05  tbl  occurs 3 times. 
      10  tbl-code pic x(5). 
      10  tbl-desc pic x(25). 

To run the program, enter the following at the "$" prompt:


The program screen will be displayed:

COBOL_DEF Vn.n   Create INTOUCH Definition from COBOL Definition                
COBOL copy-lib: 
ANSI format   : 
COBOL copy-lib? _______________________________________________________________ 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

At the "COBOL copy-lib?" prompt, enter the file name. In this example, the file name is COBOL_TEST.RECORD.

At the "Is file in ANSI format (Y/N)? NO__" prompt, press the [Return] key to take the "NO" default because the COBOL_TEST.RECORD file is not in ANSI format, it is in TERMINAL format.

To proceed, enter "Y" at the "Proceed with definition creation (Y/N)?" prompt.

The program processes the COBOL_TEST.RECORD file and creates the COBOL_TEST.DEF file.

You are returned to the "COBOL copy-lib?" prompt. Enter EXIT to exit the program.

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