A Guide to the Sheerpower Language

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< character

The less than sign left-justifies text within a field. The less than sign must appear at the beginning of a field. The less than sign counts as a character position. In this example, justification occurs only in the second field.

Example 7-23 < character in PRINT USING

  print using "#### <###": 'Test', 'Hi' 
  print '123456789' 
Test Hi 

In the above example, there are two fields. When the first string is printed, the word "Test" occupies all four character positions. The less than sign (<) causes Sheerpower to left-justify the second expression.

> character

The greater than sign is used to right-justify text within a field. The greater than sign must appear at the beginning of a field. The greater than sign counts as a character position.

Example 7-24 > character in PRINT USING

  print using "#### >###": 'Test', 'Hi' 
  print '123456789' 
Test   Hi 

In the above example, there are two fields. The greater than sign (>) causes Sheerpower to right-justify the second expression.

@ character

The @ indicates one character position with no translation.

Example 7-25 @ character in PRINT USING

  print using '####': 0001 
  print using '@@@@': 0001 

. character

You can include a decimal point in a number by putting a period or decimal point in the format.

Example 7-26 . character in PRINT USING

  print using "###.##": 19.3 

, character

Include commas in your numbers by putting commas in the format.

Example 7-27 , character in PRINT USING

  a$ = "##,###.##"
  print using a$: 28290.06 
  print using a$: 8290.06 
  print using a$: 290.06 

Commas cannot be used in exponential format.

% character

The % character pads on the left with zeros.

Example 7-28 % character in PRINT USING

  print '-1- -2- -3-' 
  print using "%%% %%% %%%": 193, 19, 1 
-1- -2- -3- 
193 019 001 

* character

The * character pads on the left with asterisks. This symbol can be used to set up check amounts.

Example 7-29 * character in PRINT USING

  print using '***,***.**': 19.42 

If the expression is smaller than the format, Sheerpower will right justify the expression and pad it with asterisks.

Example 7-30 * character in PRINT USING

  print '-1- -2- -3-' 
  print using "*** *** ***": 193, 19, 1 
-1- -2- -3- 
193 *19 **1 

+ character

A plus sign causes Sheerpower to print a leading plus or minus sign. Sheerpower will print a plus sign in front of positive numbers and a minus sign in front of negative numbers.

The "+" sign adds a character position to the format. The character position is used for the sign of the number.

Example 7-31 + character in PRINT USING

  print ' -1-  -2-  -3-' 
  print using "+### +### +###": 193, 19, -1 
 -1-  -2-  -3- 
+193  +19   -1 

- character

The - character prints a leading or trailing minus sign for negative numbers, and a leading space for positive numbers. The "-" adds a character position to the format. The character position is used to print the minus sign or space.

Example 7-32 - character in PRINT USING

  print ' -1-  -2-  -3-' 
  print using "-### -### -###": 193, 19, -1 
-1-  -2-  -3- 
193   19   -1 

~ character

The ~ (tilde) character marks the character following it as literal data.

Example 7-33 ~ character in PRINT USING

  print using '###~-###~-####': '5556667777' 

$ character

The $ character prints a floating dollar sign. The dollar sign appears before the number. $ causes Sheerpower to print '$-' for negative numbers and '$' for positive numbers. The minus sign appears immediately after the dollar sign and before the number.

Example 7-34 $ character in PRINT USING

  print "1st col 2nd col" 
  print using "$###.## $###.##": 11.93, -1.93 
1st col 2nd col 
 $11.93  $-1.93 

$+ characters

$+ characters print a floating dollar sign. The dollar sign appears before the numeric expression. $+ causes Sheerpower to print a minus sign before negative numbers, and a plus sign before positive numbers. The sign appears after the dollar sign and before the number.

Example 7-35 $+ characters in PRINT USING

  print "1st  col 2nd  col" 
  print using "$+###.## $+###.##": 11.93, -1.93 
1st  col 2nd  col 
 $+11.93   $-1.93 

-$ characters

-$ characters print a floating dollar sign. The dollar sign appears immediately before the numeric expression. -$ causes Sheerpower to print a minus sign before negative numbers and a space before positive numbers. The minus sign or space appears immediately before the dollar sign.

Example 7-36 -$ characters in PRINT USING

  print "1st  col 2nd  col" 
  print using "-$###.## -$###.##": 11.93, -1.93 
1st  col 2nd  col 
  $11.93   -$1.93 

+$ characters

+$ causes Sheerpower to print a floating dollar sign. The dollar sign appears immediately before the number. +$ causes Sheerpower to print a plus sign before positive numbers and a minus sign before negative numbers. The plus or minus sign appears immediately before the dollar sign.

Example 7-37 +$ characters in PRINT USING

  print "1st  col 2nd  col" 
  print using "+$###.## +$###.##": 11.93, -1.93 
1st  col 2nd  col 
 +$11.93   -$1.93 

Notice that +$ adds two character positions to the format. One position contains the dollar sign, the other contains the plus or minus sign.

$- characters

$- characters prints a floating dollar sign. The dollar sign appears before the number. $- causes Sheerpower to print a minus sign before negative numbers and a space before positive numbers. The minus sign or space appears after the dollar sign and before the number.

Example 7-38 $- characters in PRINT USING

  print "1st  col 2nd  col" 
  print using "$-###.## $-###.##": 11.93, -1.93 
1st  col 2nd  col 
 $ 11.93   $-1.93 

If your expression is too large to fit in a field, Sheerpower gives an exception.

7.1.10 Directives

The directives used with the USING option of the PRINT statement tell Sheerpower what to do with the text.


        PRINT USING 'directive' : str_expr {UCASE}?

The UCASE directive converts the str_expr to uppercase characters.

Example 7-39 UCASE Directive Used with PRINT USING

  print using '{ucase}?' : 'march' 

The LCASE directive converts the str_expr to lowercase characters.

Example 7-40 LCASE Directive Used with PRINT USING

  print using '{lcase}?' : 'MARCH' 
march {HYPHEN}

The HYPHEN directive causes Sheerpower to suppress the hyphen character if it is the last non-blank character after the format is applied.

Example 7-41 HYPHEN Directive Used with PRINT USING

  print using '<#####~-####' : '92123' 
  print using '{hyphen}<#####~-####' : '92123' 
92123 - 

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