Customer Information
Your Name: _______________________________________________________
Payment Information
Make check or money order payable to: Phantom Hill Records
Order Form: Please Indicate Number of albums Ordered
at $ 13.95 for CDs, $ 9.95 for cassettes each,
plus sales tax and shipping/handling.
Special Instructions: ________________________________________________
Mail or FAX to:
Street Address:___________________________________ Apt/Space_________
City: __________________________State:________ Zip Code:______________
Telephone: (________)___________________________________ Ext.________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________
Please find my order for ____ CDs at $ 13.95, and ____ cassettes at $9.95 ........ $___________
California Residents Add 8 1/2% Sales Tax ........................................................ $___________
Shipping/handling $ 3.95 for each album ............................................................. $ __________
Total enclosed .................................................................................................... $ __________
Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.
Maureen McCormick
co/ Phantom Hill Records
3445 Keha Drive
Kihei, HI 96753
Note: Money orders
are preferred. Personal checks accepted, but please allow for bank clearing
time. Make check or money order payable to: Phantom
Hill Records