The following is an example of changing SYSGEN parameters. Since NON-DYNAMIC parameters are being changed, the USE CURRENT command must be specified. Each parameter should be shown first, and then changed.
The SYSGEN parameter changes can be made either directly through the OpenVMS SYSGEN utility, or by making changes to MODPARAMS.DAT and then using AUTOGEN. For simplicity, the examples in this guide show using SYSGEN directly.
Example A-1 Changing Sysgen Parameters
APPLICATION SSYSTEM OpenVMS Version 5.4-2 Username: SYSTEM Password: (the system password) $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE CURRENT SYSGEN> SHOW SYSMWCNT Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum SYSMWCNT 800 250 40 16384 SYSGEN> SET SYSMWCNT 1000 SYSGEN> SHOW IRPCOUNT Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum IRPCOUNT 300 60 0 32768 SYSGEN> SHOW PAGEDYN Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum PAGEDYN 300000 190000 10240 -1 SYSGEN> SET PAGEDYN 500000 . . SHOW and SET as necessary for each required parameter .
If the swapfiles or pagefiles are too small, use the following commands: Example A-2 Changing PAGE and SWAP File Size
SYSGEN> CREATE SWAPFILE/SIZE = value SYSGEN> CREATE PAGEFILE/SIZE = value . . Where value = the observed required size in disk blocks . SYSGEN> WRITE CURRENT SYSGEN> EXIT $ log SYSTEM logged out at 01-AUG-1987 09:50:59.95