OpenVMS®Languages and I/O Performance Report

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Appendix A
System Resources

A.1 Resources Used By Global Buffering

Globally buffering files uses system resources. To find out how much address space and memory globally buffering a data file will require, enter the following at the DCL prompt:

    $DIRECTORY/FULL myfile.dat

     MYFILE.DAT;1             File ID:  (1316,116,0)
     File attributes:    Allocation: 13314, Extend: 90, 
                         Maximum bucket size: 6
                         Global buffer count: 50, Version limit: 3
     Total of 1 file, 13314/13314 blocks.

One of the file attributes displayed is the maximum bucket size. The Global buffer count will also be displayed if global buffering has been set on this file.

A.1.1 Address Space

        ADDRESS SPACE = Maximum bucket size x Global buffer count

The amount of address space consumed EACH time the file is opened is Maximum bucket size times Global buffer count. For example, from doing Directory/full on myfile.dat we see:

        Maximum bucket size =  6
        Global buffer count = 20
                             120 address pages will be used EACH
                                 time the file is opened.

A.1.2 Physical Memory

        PHYSICAL MEMORY = Zero to Maximum bucket size x 
                          Global buffer count

The amount of physical memory consumed NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES the file is open is zero to Maximum bucket size times Global buffer count. For example, from doing Directory/full on myfile.dat we see:

        Maximum bucket size =  6
        Global buffer count = 20
                        0 to 120 pages of physical memory 
                                 NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES 
                                 the file is open.

Use these calculations to determine the number of global buffers to add to your hot files.