Network Security Agent

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A.1.4 Maintenance Menu Options

+-----------------INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent V1.5-------------------+ 
|  Security    Status    Reports    Maintenance    General    Advanced    Exit | 
                                  |  Alerts                      | 
                                  |  Rules                       | 
                                  |  E-mail Distribution Lists   | 
                                  |  Page                        | 
                                  |  Page Distribution Lists     | 
                                  |  Purge and Archive Records   | 

Alerts Performs maintenance on alert file records. The alert maintenance options allow you to:
  • add new records to the alert file
  • change or update data in the alert records
  • delete alert records from the file
  • review or inquire on alert information
Rules Allows you to add, change and delete text in the rules file by using the INTOUCH INSA editor. The rules text file contains alert names and alert rules and rule patterns. Basically, the rules describe what incidents (patterns) INTOUCH INSA should scan for.

Each rule is associated with a specific alert name. There can be one or more rules for an alert name. The alert name must exist in the alert file. The rules file contains:

  • alert rules and rule patterns that describe alert situations
  • alert rules that apply or are identified with specific locations
  • specify locations --- IP and LAT addresses --- to exclude
E-mail Distribution Lists Allows you to create and edit E-mail distribution lists. An E-mail distribution list is used to send a message to several users when an alert incident occurs.
Page Performs maintenance on page file records. The page maintenance options allow you to:
  • add new records to the page file
  • change or update data in the page records
  • delete page records from the file
  • review or inquire on page information
Page Distribution Lists Allows you to create and edit page distribution lists. A page distribution list is used to page multiple users when an alert incident occurs.
Purge and Archive Records Allows you to purge and/or archive records from the incident, recordings and/or audit files. You select which records in the files to purge/archive. You can select records by date, user name, location and alert name.

A.1.5 General Menu Options

+-----------------INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent V1.5-------------------+ 
|  Security    Status    Reports    Maintenance    General    Advanced    Exit | 
                                                 |  E-mail   | 

E-mail You are placed in the E-mail utility. The screen clears and the MAIL> prompt is displayed. You can read or send mail messages. You can get help on using the mail utility by entering HELP at the MAIL> prompt. When you have finished and want to return to the General menu, enter EXIT at the MAIL> prompt and the menu will be displayed.

A.1.6 Advanced Menu Options

+-----------------INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent V1.5-------------------+ 
|  Security    Status    Reports    Maintenance    General    Advanced    Exit | 
                 |  Configure            [>| +----Configure----+ 
                 |  Control INTOUCH INSA [>| |  TCP/IP Ports   | 
                 |  Software Upgrade       | |  TCP/IP         | 
                 |  System               [>| +-----------------+ 
                                             +---Control INTOUCH INSA----+ 
                                             |  Shut down INTOUCH INSA   | 
                                             |  Restart INTOUCH INSA     | 
                                             |  Change Date and Time   | 
                                             |  System Shutdown        | 

TCP/IP Ports Allows you to set up HTTP and/or FTP proxy port numbers and SMTP and/or DUMP port numbers.
TCP/IP Allows you to shut down, start up and/or configure TCP/IP services.
Shut down INTOUCH INSA This is a special procedure that shuts down INTOUCH INSA. This procedure should be run only when instructed to do so by TTI technical support.
Restart INTOUCH INSA This is a special procedure that restarts INTOUCH INSA. This procedure should be run only when instructed to do so by TTI technical support.
Software Upgrade Upgrades the INTOUCH INSA box with a new version of the INTOUCH INSA software. This procedure performs the software upgrade installation.
Change Date and Time Allows you to change the system date and time. The current system date and time are displayed and you are asked to enter a new system date and a new time.
System Shutdown If you select YES, the system is shut down in an orderly manner. If NO, the system is not shut down and you are returned to the System menu.

Appendix B
INTOUCH Network Security Agent Features

The following provides information on the INTOUCH Network Security Agent features/procedures. This list can be used as a guide when working with INTOUCH INSA.


Once the current active sessions are listed, any session's data can be reviewed and session actions taken. The following session procedures can be performed:

Alerts and Rules

A sample set of alerts and rule patterns has been provided for testing purposes. The Alert Report shows the alerts that have been set up. The incident rule patterns associated with the alerts are contained in the rules file which can be reviewed and updated.


Customized incident, alert and other reports can be created as well as various network activity and E-mail reports.

TCP/IP Services and Ports

TCP/IP services can be started and configured so that INTOUCH INSA can:

The following TCP/IP ports can be configured:

Other Features

Appendix C
Report Examples

This appendix contains examples of incident, alert and recordings reports.

C.1 Incident Reports

The Incident Report provides information on recorded incidents. There are several report type options. The options are:
  Summary Report Shows the count of incidents and percent of total, within your selection criteria, for the first sort field specified.
  Detail Report Prints one line per incident. The detail report level breaks on the first sort field specified. The report shows incident date and time, user name, alert priority code, alert name, location and count.
  Session Text Prints a portion of the actual text of the session that caused the incident. The report displays one incident per page.

C.1.1 Summary Incident Report

The following is an example of a Summary Incident Report.

23-Jan-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent          03:16:00 PM 
                             Summary Incident Report 
        Selection criteria: 
          Begin date : 10-Jan-1997 
          End date   : 20-Jan-1997 
          Alert names: INVALID_LOGIN 
          Priorities : ALL 
          User names : ALLEN,DAN,JEANNIE 
          Locations  : ALL 
        Sort order: 
          1) Incident date 
          2) User name 
          3) Incident time 
          4) Alert priority 
          5) Alert name 
          6) Location 
23-Jan-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent               Page 1 
                             Summary Incident Report 
                       Date               Count  Percent 
                       -----------  -----------  ------- 
                       15-Jan-1997            1    14.29 
                       17-Jan-1997            1    14.29 
                       18-Jan-1997            1    14.29 
                       20-Jan-1997            4    57.14 
                                    ===========  ======= 
                                    ===========  ======= 
                                              7   100.00 

C.1.2 Detail Incident Report

The following is an example of a Detail Incident Report.

23-Jan-1997          INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent           03:20:04 PM 
                            Detail Incident Report 
        Selection criteria: 
          Begin date : 10-Jan-1997 
          End date   : 20-Jan-1997 
          Alert names: INVALID_LOGIN 
          Priorities : ALL 
          User names : ALLEN,DAN,JEANNIE 
          Locations  : ALL 
        Sort order: 
          1) Incident date 
          2) User name 
          3) Incident time 
          4) Alert priority 
          5) Alert name 
          6) Location 
23-Jan-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent               Page 1 
                            Detail Incident Report 
Date        User            Time     P Alert Name          Location        Count 
----------- --------------- -------- - ------------------- --------------- ----- 
15-Jan-1997 DAN             10:54:18 5 INVALID_LOGIN       TTITEST.COM 
17-Jan-1997 DAN             14:39:38 5 INVALID_LOGIN       TTITEST.COM 
18-Jan-1997 DAN             23:38:23 5 INVALID_LOGIN       TTITEST.COM 
20-Jan-1997 DAN             00:34:11 5 INVALID_LOGIN       TTITEST.COM 
            DAN             00:39:04 5 INVALID_LOGIN       TTITEST.COM 
            DAN             00:41:32 5 INVALID_LOGIN       TTITEST.COM 
            DAN             00:46:33 5 INVALID_LOGIN       TTITEST.COM 

C.1.3 Session Text Incident Report

The following is an example of a Session Text Incident Report. This report includes text from sessions where incidents were reported. Each text session starts on a new page and the actual incident is flagged with "-->" characters.

23-Jan-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent          03:42:02 PM 
        Selection criteria: 
          Begin date : 18-Jan-1997 
          End date   : 18-Jan-1997 
          Alert names: INVALID_LOGIN 
          Priorities : ALL 
          User names : ALLEN,DAN,JEANNIE 
          Locations  : ALL 
        Sort order: 
          1) Incident date 
          2) User name 
          3) Incident time 
          4) Alert priority 
          5) Alert name 
          6) Location 
23-Jan-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent          03:42:02 PM 
***************** Session Incident on January 18, 1997 23:38:23 **************** 
Alert type : INVALID_LOGIN 
Description: Invalid login attempt 
Location   : IP --> IP 
Username   : Probably DAN 
   Username: DAN 
-->User authorization failure 
   Username: DAN 
       Last interactive login on Thursday, 18-JAN-1997 23:23 
       Last non-interactive login on Thursday, 18-JAN-1997 21:13 
   {bel}{bel}{bel}        1 failure since last successful login 

C.2 Alert Report

The Alert Report provides information on alert names. The following is an example of an Alert Report.

23-Jan-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent          04:04:58 PM 
                                 Alert Report 
        Selection criteria: 
          Begin date       : Earliest 
          End date         : Latest 
          Alert names      : INVALID_LOGIN,MGMT,PAYROLL,PRIV,URGENT 
          Priorities       : ALL 
          Minimum incidents: 0 
        Sort order: 
          1) Alert name 
          2) Last incident date 
          3) Last incident time 
          4) Alert priority 
          5) Incidents 
16-Dec-1995             INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent             Page 1 
                                 Alert Report 
Alert name                   Alert description 
---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 
INVALID_LOGIN                Invalid login attempt 
    Priority : 5      Action       : email 
    Incidents: 318    Last incident: 23-Jan-1997 15:53:56 
MGMT                         System management function (authorize, sysgen, ...) 
    Priority : 2      Action       : email 
    Incidents: 568    Last incident: 23-Jan-1997 10:19:10 
PAYROLL                      Audit corp salary maintenance 
    Priority : 2      Action       : 
    Incidents: 39     Last incident: 23-Jan-1997 11:52:12 
PRIV                         Privilege setting 
    Priority : 1      Action       : 
    Incidents: 166    Last incident: 23-Jan-1997 15:49:38 
URGENT                       Urgent action to monitor in realtime 
    Priority : 9      Action       : email 
    Incidents: 194    Last incident: 23-Jan-1997 11:17:50 

C.3 Recordings Reports

The Recordings Reports provides information on incident recordings. There are several report type options. The options are:
  Summary Report Shows the count of incidents and percent of total, within your selection criteria, for the first sort field specified.
  Detail Report Prints one line per incident. The detail report level breaks on the first sort field specified. The report shows incident date and time, user name, alert priority code, alert name, location and count.

C.3.1 Summary Recordings Report

The following is an example of a Summary Recordings Report.

23-Feb-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent          04:24:07 PM 
                            Summary Recordings Report 
        Selection criteria: 
          Begin date: Earliest 
          End date  : Latest 
          User names: ALL 
          Locations : ALL 
        Sort order: 
          1) Recording start date 
          2) Recording start time 
          3) User name 
          4) Alert name 
          5) Location 
23-Feb-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent               Page 1 
                            Summary Recordings Report 
                       Date               Count  Percent 
                       -----------  -----------  ------- 
                       06-Jan-1997            2    50.00 
                       02-Feb-1997            1    25.00 
                       15-Feb-1997            1    25.00 
                                    ===========  ======= 
                                    ===========  ======= 
                                              4   100.00 

C.3.2 Detail Recordings Report

The following is an example of a Detail Recordings Report.

23-Feb-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent          04:26:25 PM 
                            Detail Recordings Report 
        Selection criteria: 
          Begin date: Earliest 
          End date  : Latest 
          User names: ALL 
          Locations : ALL 
        Sort order: 
          1) Recording start date 
          2) Recording start time 
          3) User name 
          4) Alert name 
          5) Location 
23-Feb-1997           INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent               Page 1 
                            Detail Recordings Report 
Date        Time     User          Alert          Location            Size Count 
----------- -------- ------------- -------------- ----------------- ------ ----- 
06-Jan-1997 08:07:26 ALLEN         URGENT         LAT 1.240:1       151 KB 
            10:03:19 JEANNIE       URGENT         LAT 1.117:1         4 KB 
02-Feb-1997 11:23:47 ALLEN         PRIV           LAT 1.16:1         10 KB 
15-Feb-1997 14:43:43 ALLEN         URGENT         LAT 1.8:1          21 KB 

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