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POLYCENTER Security CM allows you to create your own test collections using your choice of supported programming language (for example, DCL) and include them in inspectors. This chapter provides information and guidelines for creating your own test collections and successfully integrating them in POLYCENTER Security CM.
This chapter contains the following sections:
2.1 The Executor and User-Defined Tests
To successfully create and use your own test collections, you need a basic understanding of how the executor will deal with your tests. This section provides you with that explanation.
When an inspection is due to run, the executor analyzes the required work and creates the data structures and the logical names necessary to communicate with the test programs. When initialization is complete, the executor spawns subprocesses that run the programs that correspond to the user-defined test collections.
The executor takes the name of the user-defined program entered in the User Written Programs Dialog on the POLYCENTER Security Console GUI, and creates a command procedure to run this program. For example, imagine that to invoke your test you enter the program name USER$DISK1:SYS$MANAGER:MY_TEST.EXE on the GUI. The executor creates the following command procedure:
Then, when you run an inspector, the subprocess runs this command procedure and invokes your user-defined test collection. As long as your test collections follow the protocols described in the rest of this chapter, the results are included with the rest of the results for the inspector.
When test programs complete, the user-defined test programs call the SYS$EXIT system service to indicate the final result, Pass or Fail. This result is written to a termination mailbox, which the executor assigns to the subprocess and which the executor maintains to synchronize test completion. The status written to the termination mailbox is then stored in a database for later use.
After all user-defined test programs are complete, the executor reads the partial report segment generated by those programs. Whether the results are pass or fail, the partial report segments are included in the total report.
After all user-defined test programs are complete, the executor assembles the final lockdown and unlockdown files. If a user-defined test program passed, its assigned lockdown file is ignored. If a test program fails, its assigned lockdown file is appended to the total lockdown file.
2.2 Guidelines for Creating Your Own Test Collections
When creating user-defined test collections, there are a number of guidelines you must follow to ensure the seamless integration of your tests into POLYCENTER Security CM. This section provides a summary of these guidelines and then discusses each one in more detail.
The following is a summary of the guidelines.
More information on each guideline is contained in the following sections.
Your test collection can generate POLYCENTER Security CM report text, to describe noncompliant situations. You control the format of your report.
To include report text in the final POLYCENTER Security CM report, write the report text to the file defined by the logical name INSPECT$UD_REPORT. The job logical name table defines INSPECT$UD_REPORT to point to the file that the executor uses to build the final report. The report file must be a new file.
If a test collection passes, and you do not wish to include any informational text in the final report, delete any partial report segment you might have created.
Your test collection can generate lockdown code that brings nodes into compliance with the testing performed by your test program. Your test collection can also generate unlockdown code that can reverse changes made by the lockdown code. You control the format of your lockdown and unlockdown code.
To include your lockdown commands in the final POLYCENTER Security CM lockdown command procedure, write the commands to a file defined by the logical name INSPECT$UD_LOCKDOWN. To include your unlockdown commands in the final POLYCENTER Security CM unlockdown command procedure, write the commands to a file defined by the logical name INSPECT$UD_UNLOCKDOWN. The job logical name table defines INSPECT$UD_LOCKDOWN and INSPECT$UD_UNLOCKDOWN to point to the files that the executor uses to build the final lockdown and unlockdown command procedures. These files should be new files.
If a node fails one or more of the test collections, the contents of INSPECT$UD_LOCKDOWN and INSPECT$UD_UNLOCKDOWN are appended to the total lockdown procedure. If the node passes, be sure to delete any partial lockdown segment that you might have created in anticipation of failed test collections.
Lockdown code must not rely on defaults defined outside your user-defined test. It is advisable to test the self-sufficiency of the lockdown code by separately executing the lockdown segment generated by your user-defined test.
A user running an inspector must have the privileges required to execute the lockdown file associated with that inspector. Each supplied test allows the user sufficient privileges to execute the part of the script associated with that test. However, when including a user-defined test collection, you must make sure that the user has the required privileges. Using the POLYCENTER Security CM tool does not automatically provide privileges.
Your test collection can track the number of items tested and the number of items that fail the tests. This information is then included in the test report. To track the number of items tested, define the logical INSPECT$UD_ITEMSTESTED in your program. To track the number of items that fail the tests, define the logical INSPECT$UD_ITEMSFAILED. You must define both of these logicals in the job logical name table (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE).
If you do not define these logicals or you define them incorrectly, the system automatically assigns a value of 1 to INSPECT$UD_ITEMSTESTED and either 0 or 1 to INSPECT$UD_ITEMSFAILED depending on the test result.
When your test collection completes, it must return the final status to the executor. If a noncompliant condition is found, it must return a failure status. If everything passes, it must return a pass status. A status that is unknown or is not a pass status or a fail status is automatically considered to be a fail status. You must indicate how to return the status. Specify one of the following methods:
If you are using a high-level programming language, such as C, exit using the constant INSPECT$_PASS (for pass) or the constant INSPECT$_FAIL (for fail). Declare these as constants, for example:
# define INSPECT$_PASS 8618001 # define INSPECT$_PASS 8618304 |
Then link your program as usual.
If you are using DCL, define DCL symbols that equate to the values of INSPECT$_PASS and INSPECT$_FAIL. The values for these are:
INSPECT$_PASS = 8618001 INSPECT$_FAIL = 8618304 |
When the user-defined DCL test collection completes, use $ EXIT to signal the result with the symbols already defined:
$ EXIT (INSPECT$_PASS) ! test passed $ EXIT (INSPECT$_FAIL) ! test failed |
This section contains information on tasks you must carry out to integrate user-defined test collections into a POLYCENTER Security CM inspector.
After you create your test program, you must use the POLYCENTER Security Console GUI to include it in a test inspector. The GUI includes the User Written Programs Dialog to allow you to easily specify the name and location of your program. See the POLYCENTER Security Console for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Installation and User's Guide or the GUI online help for more information.
If you have existing test programs that you created for use with POLYCENTER Security CM Version 2.3 or 3.0, you can include them in POLYCENTER Security CM Version 3.1 without modification.
The owner of your user-defined test programs must be UIC [1,4]. Inspectors run only user-defined test collections whose programs are owned by UIC [1,4]. If you try to run a test collection that uses a program not owned by UIC [1,4], then POLYCENTER Security CM writes an error to the inspection report.
This chapter explains how to carry out POLYCENTER Security CM tasks from the OpenVMS command line.
This chapter contains the following sections:
3.1 Command Line Interface Overview
This section describes the command line interface (CLI).
The command line interface allows you to carry out some POLYCENTER Security CM tasks from the OpenVMS command line on the local node. It is expected that you will use the POLYCENTER Security Console GUI to perform most POLYCENTER Security CM tasks.
See the POLYCENTER Security Console GUI online help for more information.
To access the CLI, enter the following command:
POLYCENTER Security CM displays the Main Menu.
The Main Menu and prompt are displayed as follows:
1. Start PSCM. 2. PSCM Configuration. 3. Executor Status. 4. Inspector Configuration. 5. Configuration of Default Inspector. 6. Import Inspector. 7. Export Inspector. 8. View Log Files 9. Generate Lockdown Files. 10. Extract Inspector to Text File. 11. Delete Inspector. 12. Tokens. 13. PSCM Maintenance. 14. PSCM Troubleshooting. e. Exit from POLYCENTER Security Compliance Manager. Enter choice : |
To choose a menu item, enter the corresponding number at the Enter choice: prompt. POLYCENTER Security CM carries out the requested action or displays a submenu.
To exit the CLI, enter e at the Enter choice: prompt.
To start POLYCENTER Security CM, enter 1 at the Enter choice: prompt.
3.2 Configuring POLYCENTER Security CM
This section describes how to configure POLYCENTER Security CM parameters from the CLI.
The CLI includes the PSCM Configuration Menu to allow you to change the values of a wide range of parameters related to to the way you set up POLYCENTER Security CM. The next 4 sections describe these tasks in detail.
Element | Description |
Site Configuration | Details that are specific to your node or cluster. |
Executor Configuration | Parameters related to the executor. |
Portal Configuration | Parameters related to the portal. |
PSRF Configuration | Parameters related to POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility (SRF). |
To access the PSCM Configuration Menu, enter 2 at the Enter choice: prompt.
To access a sub-menu, for example, Site Configuration, enter the number corresponding to the menu item. To change the value of a parameter, do the following:
This section describes how to configure POLYCENTER Security CM details that are specific to your site.
You can change the values for the following POLYCENTER Security CM parameters by choosing the number corresponding to the parameter and then entering the new value.
3.4 Executor Configuration Tasks
This section describes how to configure the operation of the POLYCENTER Security CM executor.
You can change the values for the following POLYCENTER Security CM parameters by choosing the number corresponding to the parameter and then entering the new value:
You use the POLYCENTER Security Console GUI to create the Accounts Preferred Mode List as part of the inspector. |
You use the POLYCENTER Security Console GUI to create the Files Preferred Mode List as part of the inspector. |
This section describes how to configure POLYCENTER Security CM portal details.
You can change the values for the following POLYCENTER Security CM parameters by choosing the number corresponding to the parameter and then entering the new value:
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