Remote Device Facilitytm

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Appendix B
Configuration File Example

The first time the RDSERVER_STARTUP procedure is executed, a configuration file is created on the server node. The configuration file is a text file named "tti_rdev:CONFIG_nodename.DAT" - nodename is the name of the server node. The server configuration file contains the name of each servable device, and optionally added characteristics of the device. By default, the server configuration file is created with all servable disk devices commented out. The configuration file is referenced by the server each time a client attempts to allocate (RDALLOCATE) a remote device.

The configuration file can be modified or enhanced (edited) at any time and devices and device characteristics can be added, changed or deleted. For example, to allow RDCLIENT access to disk drives, the System Manager can:

When the configuration file is created, it automatically allows all users on all RDCLIENT nodes access to all tape devices.

The physical device can be referenced by any name that is valid with the RDALLOCATE command. This includes the device name or any optional device characteristics that are specified in the server configuration file.

A Configuration File with Descriptions

The following is an example of a created configuration file. The file has been enhanced to show how characteristics can be added. Each section of the file is described.

(1)  ! TTI_RDEV:CONFIG_TEST.DAT - RDserver Configuration file 
    !         (for node TEST) 
    ! This configuration file file is read by the RDserver whenever 
    ! a RDclient tries to allocate a remote device (RDallocate). 
    ! The format of this configuration file is: 
    !  DEVICE  servable_device  [characteristic1, characteristic2 ...] 
(3)  device TTI$MUA0:  MUA0 
    device TTI$MUB0:  MUB0 
    device TTI$MUC0:  MUC0 
(4)  ! the following lines are for DISKS.  They are commented out.  
    ! For the ones that should be served to other nodes by RDEV, 
    ! uncomment them (remove the leading !) and add /read or /write 
    ! qualifiers specifying the node(s) and username(s) that are 
    ! to be allowed to access them.  
    ! Example:  The following entry specifies that the disk DKA400 
    ! can be accessed for reading by user TOM on node SALES . 
    !   device  node$dka400  dka400 /read=sales::tom 
(5)  ! device CHEERS$DKA700:  DKA700, CHEERSSYS 
    ! device TEST$DKA100:  DKA100, TESTSYS 
    ! device TEST$DKA200:  DKA200 
    ! device TEST$DKA300:  DKA300, TESTSTORAGE 
    ! device TEST$DKA400:  DKA400, PCDATA 
    ! device TEST$DKA500:  DKA500, DOCDATA 
    ! device TEST$DKA700:  DKA700, DUMPDISK 
(6)    device GEEQUE$DKA200:  DKA200/WRITE=(CHEERS::RDFTEST) 
    ! device GEEQUE$DKA300:  DKA300, NEWDISK 
    ! device GEEQUE$DKA400:  DKA400, GEEQUESYS 
    ! device TTI$DKA100:  DKA100, TTISYS 
    ! device TTI$DKA200:  DKA200, SW1D2 
    ! device TTI$DKA300:  DKA300, SW1D3 
    ! device TTI$DUA0:  DUA0 
    ! device TTI$DUA1:  DUA1 

  1. Shows the name of the configuration file and provides some information about the file. Each file entry includes the following:
    device The word "device" identifies the text line as device information.
    servable_device This is the name of the device.
    characteristic(s) These are optional characteristics that tell which node or user has what type of access.
  2. The words "COMPRESSION ON" are placed here when data compression is enabled. Chapter 5, Network Data Compression, explains data compression.
  3. The servable tape devices are listed here.
  4. Provides information about disk devices.
  5. The servable disk devices are listed here.
  6. This is an example of an added characteristic. This says that user "RDFTEST" on node "CHEERS" has "write" (and read) access to device "GEEQUE$DKA200".


The device name given in the RDALLOCATE command must EXACTLY match one of the device names or device characteristics in the server configuration file. If no match is found, the RDALLOCATE fails with an error message.

Whenever a device has been added to or removed from the server node, the configuration file must be modified. You can edit the configuration file and add or remove the proper device line.

Appendix C

Start Up Privileges

The RDSERVER_STARTUP procedure uses the RDSERVER image. In order to execute this image you must have the following privileges:

The RDCLIENT_STARTUP procedure uses the RDCLIENT image. In order to execute this image you must have the following privileges:

Allocate/Deallocate Privileges

The RDALLOCATE and RDDEALLOCATE procedures use the RDEV_CONTROL_* image. In order to execute this image you must have the following privileges:

Privileges required to RDALLOCATE remote disks system-wide are:

In addition to TMPMBX and NETMBX, READALL privilege is required to RDallocate a disk device for read-only access. Specific users without READALL privilege can be allowed to RDallocate remote disks either by username or UIC group. Add the /READ qualifier on the desired device line in the RDSERVER's configuration file.

SYSPRV privilege is required to RDallocate a disk device for read/write access. Specific users without SYSPRV privilege can be allowed to RDallocate read/write either by username or UIC group. Add the /WRITE qualifier on the desired device line in the RDSERVER's configuration file.

Show Procedures Privileges

The RDSHOW procedure uses the RDCONTROL image. In order to execute this image you must have the following privileges:

In addition, to show information on devices RDALLOCATED by other processes requires:

RMT Privileges

In order to use RMT functionality with RDF, you must be the SUPERUSER on the UNIX system. Also, there must be a UCX proxy set up on the RDF server node for username ROOT. The OpenVMS ROOT username requires these privileges:

Appendix D
Resources Used by RDF


The RDF distribution directory contains less than 13,000 blocks of disk space. The distribution directory includes all of the files required for both the RDSERVER and the RDCLIENT.

RDSERVER runs as a detached process on the served node.

RDCLIENT runs as a detached process on the client node. The RDCLIENT also includes a pseudo device driver. This driver uses less than 9000 bytes of NPAGEDYN.

In addition, when a device is RDALLOCATED, 12000 bytes of NPAGEDYN are consumed. If compression is enabled for this connection (both client and server), 78200 bytes of NYPAGEDYN are consummed. In both cases the bytes are released when the device is RDDEALLOCATED.

Because the RDALLOCATE procedure consumes 12000 or 78200 bytes, a process using RDALLOCATE needs a larger than normal BYTLM. We recommend a BYTLM of at least 80000.

The Remote Device Facility uses the system logical TTI_RDEV to store the location of the RDF package. This logical is created by the RDSERVER_STARTUP.COM and RDCLIENT_STARTUP command files.

In addition, the following logicals are used internally by RDF:

Table D-1 RDF Defined Logicals
RDEV_RDEVxx one logical for each RDALLOCATED device
RDEV_LOG_DEVICE_USAGE used to enable/disable server device usage statistics

D.2 Ultrix CLIENTS

The total disk space needed on an Ultrix CLIENT node is as follows:

Appendix E
OpenVMS 5.5 and Greater BACKUP AUTHORIZATION Parameters

E.1 OpenVMS 5.5 BACKUP

In order to achieve the maximum performance from OpenVMS BACKUP, it is recommended that you provide a special username (e.g. BACKUP) when performing backup operations.

The following AUTHORIZATION parameters are recommended for the BACKUP username:

Table E-1 AUTHORIZATION Parameters
Parameter Minimum Value
BYTLM 128,000
PGFLQUO 100,000
DIOLM 4096
ASTLM 4096
ENQLM 1000

Appendix F
Remote Device Facility Restrictions

F.1 RDF/Ultrix Clients - Explicit RTDEALLOCATE Required

Once you have RTALLOCATED a tape device on an Ultrix CLIENT, that CLIENT node owns the tape device even if you log off of the Ultrix node. This makes the tape device unavailable for use by other CLIENT nodes in the network.

Because Ultrix does not use a mechanism similar to OpenVMS's ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE, an RTALLOCATED device remains RTALLOCATED until an explicit RTDEALLOCATE is performed.

If you log off of the Ultrix CLIENT without RTDEALLOCATING, you must log back into the Ultrix CLIENT and RTDEALLOCATE the tape device e.g.,

      % rtdeallocate /dev/tape01 

F.2 ISO 9660 CD-ROM

At this time, RDF is unable to read ISO 9660 formatted CD-ROMs.

Appendix G
Server Device Usage Statistics

RDF allows you to gather statistics on server device usage. For example, you can find out who uses the device, when and how long it is used, how much data is read and/or written, and number of I/Os to and from the device.

When a server device is started up, a server usage file is automatically created. A logical is used to enable and disable the statistics gathering feature which stores data in the usage file.

G.1 Usage Logical

The storing of server device statistical data in the usage file is controlled by defining the RDEV_LOG_DEVICE_USAGE logical. The server device usage statistics feature is enabled by setting the logical to true. For example:


The device usage statistics feature is disabled by deassigning the usage logical or by setting the logical to false. For example:


The value of the logical is dynamically checked each time an ALLOCATE (RDALLOCATE or RDDEALLOCATE) is done to the server. The RDSERVER does NOT need to be restarted in order to enable or disable the usage statistics feature. To determine if the usage statistics feature is enabled or disabled on a RDSERVER node, you can check the RDSERVER_nodename.LOG file. For example:

RDEV_SERVER procedure started... 
13-JAN-2000 12:22:29.94 
RDEV - VMS Remote Device Facility (Version V4.n) - --RDserver-- Procedure 
Copyright (c) 1990-2000 by Touch Technologies, Inc. 
                   :    [01/13-12:24:01.10]  Device usage statistics enabled. 
                                             (usage file is TTI_RDEV:USAGE_FAST) 

G.2 Usage File

Server device usage statistics are stored in the USAGE_nodename.DAT file. The USAGE_nodename.DAT file is created when the RDSERVER starts up and is automatically updated whenever a device is RDALLOCATED or RDDEALLOCATED.

The USAGE_nodename.DAT file contains the following comma-separated field names:

Field Name Example Description
physical-device TTI$MUC0 name of the server physical device
client-nodename FAST node name of the client
client-username TESTER user name of the client
start-date 20000123 start date of rdallocate
start-time 1441 start time of rdallocate
end-date 20000123 end date of rdallocate
end-time 1443 end time of rdallocate
minutes 000001 minutes used
#I/Os 00000200 number of I/Os to/from device
#errors 0000 number of device errors
MB-read 000022 megabytes read from device
MB-written 000023 megabytes written to device

The USAGE_nodename.DAT file is located in the TTI_RDEV: directory. The nodename is the name of the server node. The usage file contains one line for each device allocation request. Each line consists of text fields separated by commas.

The following shows an example of a usage file text line as it appears for each rdallocation from the server, for each and every device (the line is actually a single line):

TTI$MUC0       ,FAST  ,TESTER          ,20000123,1441,20000123,1443, 

G.2.1 Accessing the Usage File Text

The TTI_RDEV:USAGE_nodename.DAT file text can be accessed from a spreadsheet or charting application such as those found on a VAX, Alpha, PC, UNIX, etc. The requirement is that the application must be able to read in a comma-separated list of elements.

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