Touch Technologies, Inc.
Coding Standards

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IF THEN statements should not be nested. Avoid more than 3 levels of indentation (nested LOOPS and IFs, etc.) to keep the code in that routine from becoming too complex. If there are more, then an inner loop should be moved out to a new routine. Keeping the indentation to no more than 3 levels keeps the code looking neat, clean, and easy for the reader to follow.


Keeps coding easy to understand for later enhancements.


The block of code under loops and within routines must be indented two spaces under the beginning statement.


Makes code neater and easier to read. Also makes searches easier.


Example 1-27 Code Block Indentation

routine do_total 
  for i = 1 to 10 
    total(i) = 0 
  next i 
end routine 

See Section 5.11, Tab Key to Indent for instructions on how to easily adjust code indentation using a specially mapped keystroke in SPDEV.


Continuation lines (those that follow an & or + on the previous line) must be indented 4 spaces beyond the normal indentation level for that section of code.


Makes code neater and easier to read.


Example 1-28 Continuation Indentation

  if  (previous_line < include_line_nbr)  and & 
      (current_line  > include_line_nbr)  and & 
      (line_begin    = true)  then 
      print #report_ch: 'Total sales for this month = '; & 
  end if 

See Section 5.8, GOLD/F to Fixup Right Margin for instructions on how to fixup the right margins (word wrap) of your code using a specially mapped keystroke in SPDEV.


Avoid using ELSE in conditional constructs if a separate IF THEN statement will make future enhancements to the code simpler. For example, a program that is 25,000 lines of code (including comments) might have approximately 20 ELSEs compared to over a thousand IFs. This illustrates how rare an IF ELSE should be.

If an IF ELSE is necessary, the IF should be the short line of code and the ELSE the long line.


Makes future code enhancements easier.

1.2.3 Loops


The block of code in FOR NEXT loops must be indented two spaces under the FOR.


Makes code neater and easier to read. Also makes searches easier.


Example 1-29 FOR NEXT Loop Indentation

  for i = 1 to 99999 
    if  eof?  then exit for 
  next i 


Use parentheses around every set of operations.


Using parentheses makes it easy to determine the beginning and end of an operation.

This will make it absolutely clear how you intend the code to be executed, without depending on the order of precedence of operators.


Example 1-30 Use of Parentheses

! DO:
  if  ((a > ( b * c)) or ((d + 4) = f))  then  x = x + 1 // with parentheses 
! Instead of:
  if  a > b * c or d + 4 = f  then  x = x + 1            // without parentheses 


Variable names should closely resemble their function.


Makes it easy to tell the purpose of the variable.


Example 1-31 Variable Names

        Line_counter            Line counter 
        Page_counter            Page counter 
        database_engine_menu    Database engine menu          
        student_name            Student name 


Split a long line logically.


Shorter lines are easier to follow.


Example 1-32 Short Lines of Code

! DO:
  open structure payroll: name "c:\sheerpower\my_payroll_master", 
   access outin 
! instead of:
  open structure payroll: name "c:\sheerpower\my_payroll_master", access + 

See Section 5.8, GOLD/F to Fixup Right Margin for instructions on how to automatically wrap long lines of code at the right margin using a specially mapped keystroke in SPDEV.


Temporary variables and arrays will be single letter variables. They may also be a single letter followed by a number. Note: A temporary variable is one which is used in only one routine. Temporary variables cannot span more than one routine.


Makes it easy for the programmer to distinguish temporary (and therefore less important) variables in routines.


Example 1-33 Temporary Variables as Single Letters

  for (1)i = 1 to 99999 
    if  eof  then exit for 
  next i 

  1. "i" is a temporary variable used only in this routine.


Underscores are used as separators in all variable names, labels, etc.


Ensures readability and conformity with other BASICs.


Example 1-34 Underscores as Separators

    if (2)skip_lines then 
      for z = 1 to 5 
      print (3)#report_ch 
      next z 
    end if 

  1. Notice the underscore used as a separator in this label,
  2. and in this variable,
  3. and again in this variable.

Chapter 2
Routine Naming Convention Standards


This chapter describes standards for routine naming conventions used in coding.

2.1 Naming Conventions

Names for certain types of routines must follow specific naming conventions. For example, routines whose purpose is to print data to an output file will carry the name PRINT_output filename.

The purpose of providing naming standards is to make the code clearer and to make searches within the code easier. For example, every time the programmer encounters a routine with the name PRINT_filename, it will be clear that the routine's purpose is to print data to an output file. Moreover, if the programmer needs to search for a print routine, a search can be done for the prefix "PRINT_" and the filename, if it is known.

2.2 Standard Naming Prefixes

The prefixes for routine names given in the manual must be used in creating routine names. The prefixes given should cover all program procedures.

These prefixes are standardized according to the rules below, and will help identify the types of routines and make searches easier. The unique text following the prefix will identify the individual routines.

The following conventions will be used in naming routines.

ASK_ Prefix

Routines that ask for a yes or no response will carry the "ASK_" prefix followed by identifying text (for instance, what the routine asks).

Example 2-1 ASK_ Prefix

  Examples:  ask_restoring 

CALC_ Prefix

Routines that perform calculations will carry the "CALC_" prefix followed by identifying text (for instance, what is being calculated).

Example 2-2 CALC_ Prefix

  Examples:  calc_mm_short_limit 

DO_ Prefix

Routines that do processing will carry the "DO_" prefix followed by identifying text (for instance, what processes the routine does).

Example 2-3 DO_ Prefix

  Examples:  do_sale_limit 

ENTER_ Prefix

Routines that ask the user to enter text will carry the "ENTER_" prefix followed by identifying text (for instance, what is being entered).

Example 2-4 ENTER_ Prefix

  Examples:  enter_inst 

GET_ Prefix

Routines that get a record will carry the "GET_" prefix followed by identifying text (for instance, what record the routine gets).

Example 2-5 GET_ Prefix

  Examples:  get_count 

OPEN_ Prefix

Routines that open or begin the routine will carry the "OPEN_" prefix followed by identifying text.

Example 2-6 OPEN_ Prefix

  Examples:  open_file 

PRINT_ Prefix

Routines that print to an output file will carry the "PRINT_" prefix followed by a description of the data.

Example 2-7 PRINT_ Prefix

  Examples:  print_header, 

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