Boom bikes improve rider
comfort by isolating you and your precious plumbing from harsh road
surfaces. TITANFLEX
utilizes titanium's inherent resiliency to filter out
fatigue-inducing road static. The standard carbon fork quells front-end road
chatter. Also, a conventional stand-over design eliminates the
thigh-slapping experience other boom bikes may inflict during your
out-of-saddle sprints and climbs.
- Tom,
The Furnace Creek 508 is over. I tied for 5th place in the open men's
division on the TITANFLEX. It was wonderful - I forgot just how bad the
roads are and the suspension was plush. If my knee didn't hurt, I could have
gone riding the next day. I also noticed that the 4th place finisher,
Darrell Bowles, was on a TITANFLEX.
I gained almost 2 and a half hours on last year's time and moved up 5
places. I was very happy.
I was wondering if from a marketing point of view it would help to have
a physician/ultracyclist like myself expound on the boom ride. As a
physician, it could lend credence to the benefits of a boom to prevent
damage to the perineum, and since I am placing reasonably well in these
events, it may make my claims more credible. If you yawn when reading this I
Anyways, I personally thank you for the bike, it is clearly the answer
for this kind of racing and the fact that my bike is ridable at 16.5lbs - it
truely is the only bike I need.
Jon Arnow, M.D.